Her projects attracted attention, she was accepted for an interview in the Parliament…

Mehlika Yaren Turk, who studied English Political Science and International Relations at Uskudar University, attracted the attention of Ak Parti Canakkale MP Julide Iskenderoglu with her projects. Yaren was a guest of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

“I think that the family concept is also made with the live bond, rather than the blood bond”

MP Julide Iskenderoglu, who talked about the importance of family ties in her life stated; “I was born in Balikesir in 1974. I have a 19-year-old son and a marriage that's been going well for 24 years. I fell in love first with Canakkale and then a man from Canakkale. I'm a little bit stubborn and can hardly make a decision. I have a measuring structure. I think I'm a very lucky one. For me, the most beautiful thing in the world is family and I have a very nice family. My friends are all from my family because, I think that the family concept is also made with the live bond, rather than the blood bond.”


Üsküdar Haber Ajansı (ÜHA)