Dear Students,

Every decision that has been made in the current process is taken in order to enable you to receive a better and higher quality education. It also enables you to graduate well equipped.

The decision taken by the Senate of our University about “holding the Final Exams face-to-face" will be implemented depending on the process of the pandemic conditions. According to the process of pandemic conditions, this decision will be re-evaluated if necessary. The feedback received from the students to the Solution Center stating, “the evaluation in online exams does not reflect student success at the desired level" has also been effective in taking this decision.

Feedback taken from the students indicated that the final exams should be done face to face. Since ensuring exam security is of great importance at the current point, it has become necessary to take this decision in order to prevent students’ loss of rights.

In addition, it was also evaluated that by conducting the final exams face-to-face, students could be more attentive about their participation in classes.

Determining the exam weights as 20% for midterms and 80% for finals is not a new practice. In the previous years, the same practice was valid for the exams that were held without proctoring. The same rates are applied for Turkish Language, Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution and English lessons, which are determined by the The Council of Higher Education (CoHE) as compulsory courses and are given by distance education.

Another factor in taking a decision is that it is very important to gain competence in the field of health and its sub-branches, and to maintain quality in learning outcomes.

For these reasons, our Senate, together with the Üsküdar University Pandemic Committee, evaluated the issue in detail and decided to hold the final exams face to face by taking all protective measures.

We expect our students to understand this mandatory decision, and wish them good health and success in the spring semester of 2020 - 2021.