Graduate Education Opportunity in Social Sciences

Uskudar University, which started with the motto "A Higher Future with Uskudar Awaits You", continues its postgraduate promotions. In the fourth meeting, where candidates for a wide range of graduate and doctoral programs in different fields were answered, information was given about the education programs of the Institute of Social Sciences.

The program’s moderation is undertaken by the Director of Educational Institutions and Guidance Services Exp. Psych. Cons. Ece Tözeniş with the attended academic staff of the Institute of Social Sciences of Üsküdar University.
At the same time, Dr. Lect. Member Remziye Keskin, Deputy Director of Uskudar University Vocational School of Health Services, in the program, which took place through Zoom Webinar, Institute Manager Aslı Işık, Student Accounting Officer Şeyma Kaya and Graduate Relations Manager Aslı Cevahir Arabacı Keleşabdioğlu took also part.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökben Hızlı Sayar: "Supported by Scientific Researches"

Assoc. Director of the Institute of Social Sciences. Dr. Gökben Fast Counts Gave information to the participants about Clinical Psychology and Psychology Doctoral Programs. Sayar; "There is a large staff of 48 academic members in our Ph.D. program. Our doctoral program in psychology is a general psychology program, not clinical. We aim to open our clinical psychology doctoral program. In order to apply for our Doctorate program, you must have completed your master's degree in psychology rather than undergraduate education. We have 15 student quotas in a 4-year Doctorate program. We aim to support our students with our scientific research essay and practical lessons in particular. As in our Doctorate program in our clinical psychology master's program, we have a very large academic staff. We aim to provide an alternative to students working by dedicating them to three groups as day and evening on weekdays and weekends.”

Dr. Lect. Member Hüseyin Ünübol: "Applied Psychology Intersects with Every Area of Life"

Sharing information about applied psychology to the participants, Head of Applied Psychology Department Dr. Lecter. Member Hüseyin Ünübol added; “Recently, there are technological developments in our lives that are rapidly active. We have to use technology to produce policy, political, or any design. Requirements like these are causing technology to change and develop. We opened the Applied Psychology program, thinking it was an intersection. No matter what we do, we live for human beings. And at the center of this situation is the human psychology. Therefore, we need to understand human psychology, both for working correctly with our customers and for some designs and innovations. Just as learning a language is important, knowing psychology is also extremely important.”

Dr. Lect. Member Mert Akcanbaş: "Our program is progressed with the Instructions of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies

Head of The Department of Family Counseling Dr. Lect. Member Mert Akcanbaş stated, that family counseling is a developing profession in Turkey and added; “Individuals who want to get family counseling are choosing two different paths. The first is the certificate program and the other is the master's degree program in family counseling. The title to be earned in both of them is family counseling. However, our department is being advanced by the guidelines of the Ministry of family and Social Policies. To be included in the program, you must graduate from certain undergraduate departments. These are departments such as psychology, sociology, Child Development. Students from other departments must continue their academic education with a doctorate in order to be eligible for the title. Our courses are designed to be more practical. As a profession that plays an important role in Turkey, the field of business is expanding with each passing day.”

Prof. Dr. Hatice Öz Pektaş: "A Program Based on Design Research"

Head of Visual Communication Design Department Prof. Dr. Hatice Öz Pektaş talked about the curiosities about the Visual Communication and Design Department Master's Program. Pektaş continued; “Visual Communication Design includes three different disciplines as its name suggests. It includes design firstly. However, it is a design program based on communication science. In addition to communication theories, we also have courses involving visual design. Although our undergraduate program is basically based on practice, our graduate program is a program that is oriented towards design research, especially in the field of design, based on research ethics. Visual communication design attracts the attention of our graduates from different fields either. The biggest reason for this is that it is a program that is intertwined with technology.”

"Media and Cultural Studies Program Aim to Run Different Areas Together"

Communicating with the details of the Media and Cultural Studies MA program, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Nazife Güngör said; “Media and Cultural Studies Master's program is a program that works on the basis of communication sciences. At the same time, we aim to carry out the works together with the interdisciplinary structure. We continue in mutual interaction by supporting media studies on one side and cultural studies on the other. Postgraduate education aims to advance the student in the field in which he/she wants to specialize. For this reason, we support your specialization by taking elective courses and writing a thesis. Here, we aim to bring a different perspective to communication studies by putting many different communication areas such as psychology, neuroscience studies, marketing, and new media at the center. We accept students from all disciplines who are interested in our program.”

Prof. Dr. Sinan Canan: "We have the most comprehensive neuromarketing laboratory in Turkey"

Answering the questions about Neuromarketing Master's Degree, Head of Neuromarketing Department Prof. Dr. Sinan Canan spoke as follows; “Uskudar University, which courage’s to open chapters in Turkey with no other examples, has opened the department of Neuromarketing, which I have been following after for a long time. Neuromarketing has been the most used area of technology since the early 2000s. I am very excited to have academic studies in this field. Neuroscientific examination of people's purchasing behavior has resonated all over the world. The main goal of Uskudar University to create a program in this field is to train practitioners who are neuroscientifically academically trained. Participation and interest in our program is very high. I know almost all of our students, we work together in project work. Together with our students, we are doing the thesis studies that will really carry out interesting ideas in this field. We currently have the largest neuromarketing research laboratory in Turkey. Neuromarketing is a dynamically updated area in light of the curriculum that develops every year.”

What is a Neuromarketing Program?

Dr. Lect. Member Şaha Baygül Özpınar shared the details of the Department of Neuromarketing with the participants. Özpinar said; “After proceeding with two semesters of courses, we end the program by developing and taking care of theses in thesis programs and projects in non-thesis programs. Our students take 10 lessons in total. If they have a previous master's degree in marketing, they may be exempted from some courses. However, we provide all basic neuroscience courses as education. We also have lessons such as basic functions in the brain and personality theories in order to get closer to the concept of neuroscience. Students can also take elective education from the courses of other departments. Our goal is to gain an education by gaining different perspectives along with the concepts of neuroscience.”

Prof. Dr. Ebulfez Süleymanlı: "Our goal is to provide both theoretical and practical equipment in the field of sociology"

Head of Sociology Department Prof. Dr. Ebulfez Süleymanlı shared information about the Sociology graduate program in the context of academic research. Süleymanlı spoke as follows; “Dynamism is the basis of sociology. We live in a world where we experience the dizzying effects of the speed of change. All factors affecting our daily life such as social security, loneliness problems, pandemic, global problems are among the main areas of interest of sociology. As Üsküdar University, we have done many different studies in the field of sociology. We left a year behind in our graduate program. We aim to raise students who prefer to work on social facts while getting to know our students. In particular, we strive to train our students for research-oriented sociologists, by providing both theoretical and practical knowledge and equipment in this field.”

"We Aim to Examine Any Domestic Issues in an International Dimension"

Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Political Science and International Relations, Prof. Dr. Havva Kök Arslan shared her statements as follows; “We try to examine philosophical, psychological, sociological and political issues at an international level. We aim to enable our students to understand and comprehend any domestic issues internationally. Although its name is political science and international relations, there are areas in which we try to be a brand. What we are trying to emphasize more is public diplomacy and unexamined cultural diplomacy that is not emphasized. We aim to analyze by addressing issues such as mediation, money problem, conflict resolution. We emphasize that digital diplomacy is important, especially since we live in the digital age. The working area is quite large. They can work in any field in the public sector according to the interests of our students.”

"New Media and Journalism Has a Rich Educational Structure"

Answering the curious questions about the New Media and Journalism program, New Media and Journalism Department Head Prof. Dr. Süleyman İrvan said; “A program that mainly carries out journalistic work from a perspective that includes digital media. On the one hand, we examine the effects that continue to exist in all areas we call new media, on the other hand, we aim to provide training with courses on "How do journalists and journalism professionals grow in the new media environment?" We have 10 basic lessons. They can receive education from other departments in the field of communication as an elective course. By taking the elective courses of different departments such as neuromarketing and cultural studies, they can move towards the field they want to specialize in. In this respect, we can say that the New Media and Journalism department has a very rich education system.”

What Conditions are Required for Postgraduate Education in the Social Sciences Field?

Institute director Aslı Işık explained the graduate requirements of the Institute of Social Sciences and continued as follows; “Graduate prospective students must first apply online for registration. Our online applications started as of June 15. Our students are required to take the science exams of the departments they apply to. Students who gain the right to register after the science exam must apply with their final registration documents. These include ALES exam results, transcript, graduation certificate, ID photocopy, and photographs for students with thesis. We do not seek ALES scores from non-thesis students, but they must have all other requirements with them during final registration. Students who want to participate in English programs must have sufficient foreign language scores.”

Üsküdar Haber Ajansı (ÜHA)