A cooperation agreement was signed with Ternopil National Pedagogical University

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.45062

An international scientific conference titled "Current Problems of Teaching History Courses in the Research of Young Academics" was held in cooperation with Üsküdar University, Ternopil National Pedagogical University and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. At the online conference, Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences students made their presentations. At the same time, a cooperation agreement was signed between Üsküdar University and Ternopil State Pedagogical University. Within the scope of the cooperation, applied courses are planned to be held at Üsküdar University in August.

The online conference was attended by Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Head of History Department Asst. Prof. Uygar Aydemir and Üsküdar University RINAP Board Member Prof. İlham Miraç participated.

The conference started with the opening speech of Ternopil National Pedagogical University Rector Prof. Bohdan Buyak. Prof. Uygar Aydemir and Prof. İlham Miraç also made their opening speeches.


The presentations of the Üsküdar students attracted attention...

More than 40 young scientific academics from different countries presented their own research and addressed current issues in the field of history education. Among the prominent names in the presentations held under the title of "Digital Approaches in Ottoman Period Studies", Aleyna Şamlı, a student of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, drew attention with her presentation on "The Digitization of Evliya Çelebi's Travelogue".

The presentations of Hayrun Nisa Cantürk and Fatma Betül İşler, who are students of the Department of History of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, were also highly appreciated. While Hayrun Nisa Cantürk was making a presentation titled "Digitization of the Istanbul Lodge Map of the Ottoman Period of the 19th Century", Fatma Betül İşler received appreciation from the participants with her presentation titled "Mapping İstanbul through the Eyes of Eremyan and İnciciyan".

Presentations were translated into Russian

The students' presentations were translated into Russian by Üsküdar University RINAP Executive Member Prof. lham Miraç.

A cooperation agreement was also signed

With the cooperation agreement signed between Üsküdar University and Ternopil National Pedagogical University, Islamic Theology and Culture courses will continue to be given online to undergraduate and graduate students of the Department of History at Ternopil National University. Moreover, applied courses are planned to be held at Üsküdar University in August.

Collaboration provides an important platform for scholarly activity and history education, allowing young academics to share their research and exchange information.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)