The importance of directional design was emphasized


Üsküdar University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Visual Communication Design organized an event titled "History, City and Experience in Directional Design". Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Graphic Design faculty Asst. Prof. Tuğcan Güler participated in the event as a guest. In the workshop held within the scope of the event, it was tried to give students a new perspective in the field of design by emphasizing the design of new guidance systems for an existing and used space and the importance of the direction system on highways.

The event, which was moderated by Visual Communication Design Department Asst. Prof by Prof. Dicle Yıldırım, was held at Üsküdar University South Campus Duha Beker conference hall.

The event was attended by Advisor to the Rector Prof. Süleyman İrvan, Head of Visual Communication Design Department Prof. And Algül, Assoc. Prof. Cem Tutar, Instructor Şerife Seda Bozpolat, Instructor Özge Kaya and RA Baran Kahraman.

Delivering the opening speech of the event, Prof. And Algül talked about the education life and projects of Dr. Tuğcan Güler, who participated as a guest.

Dr. Güler: "The directional design varies according to its location"

Comparing environmental graphic design and graphic design, Güler said that "What we call a graphic designer is actually a field that has been largely exposed. For example, if you design a magazine, the size of that magazine design is more or less certain, the font you will use is clear, the size of the titles is clear. In other words, a person who starts magazine design does not feel like they are starting again, but this is not the case with directional design because the orientation design varies depending on the location. Each project has its own characteristics. It is longer-lasting. Each product is unique and stays for many years. Preliminary preparation for manufacturing is required. It can cost a lot and requires quality control.”

"The selfie, which many people are displeased with, has become a means of communication today"

Güler mentioned that directional design and environmental graphics are also used to create a kind of belonging. Güler stated that "Small changes you make in a place become a symbol of the place and turn into a selfie place. Today, selfies are used as a serious advertising tool by many companies. The selfie, which many people are displeased with, has actually become a means of communication today. With such small, low-cost, easy-to-make designs, a public space will be able to advertise itself very easily."

Adding belonging to living spaces with design...

In the workshop held after the event, visual communication design students carried out fieldwork in the university and chose the places to be designed to add a sense of belonging to the living spaces where they can sit, work and spend time, and took photos. In line with these choices, the students made designs.

The event ended with the presentation of documents and a group photo.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)