Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Gender and biological sex are separate concepts"

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At this point, the issue of gender has become a bleeding wound and has gained a serious dimension. For academics, the topic of "nonbinary" has become a serious cultural project. Stating that gender and biological sex are separate concepts, President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "People do not talk about this issue according to information and data, but according to their prejudices and interests. Let opposing ideas be discussed and debated. The state of sex orientation is not genetic. The United States, Toronto and Canada also investigated the third sex gene in over 477,000 people. No genes were found except for the female and male chromosomes. However, social policymakers talk about it. It has become ideology.". Stating that there is a serious difference of opinion in medicine and psychology schools for the post-adolescence period, Tarhan said that "It is said that 'the child should stay as they feel'. We cannot give a child who does not have legal capacity the ability to change gender. There is no scientific basis for this, and the legal basis is controversial.".

The issue of being nonbinary has become a global problem under the name of gender equality. Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that men and women are equal in rights and opportunities but are biologically different because their brains work differently, referred to the literature on the subject. Tarhan also stated that the behavior patterns, fears, loved ones, and psychological needs of the two different sexes are different and shared his views on the debates on this issue.

If people act with the motivation to search for the truth and to find the truth, the truth is very clear

Tarhan said that if we do not know the psychology of men and women, we cannot know whether the relationship is good or bad, and where there is a disruption, saying that he also deals with the relationship between men and women and marriages in his book titled 'Women's Psychology' written in 2005. Addressing the academic world, Tarhan stated that "At the point we have reached now, the issue of gender has become a bleeding wound and has gained a serious dimension. For academics, the topic of "nonbinary" has become a serious cultural project. Gender and biological sex are separate concepts. On this issue, people do not necessarily speak according to information and data, but according to their prejudices, feelings and desires, or if they have interests, they speak accordingly. If people act with the motivation to search for the truth and to find the truth, the truth is very clear. It is necessary to be a well-intentioned researcher who looks at the benefit of people and society. The perspective to look at is that 'When my benefit conflicts with the benefit of society, am I thinking about the good of society, am I thinking about my own benefit?' If they could think about it, the things that move people will be very different.”.

Let's not seek the truth in the form of ego wars, but with the motivation to find the truth

Referring to the words of Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, Tarhan stated that "Kahneman's words, 'Why do these intelligent people do such stupid things, people are masters of self-deception' are very remarkable. Even the smartest person cannot see a whole truth due to their prejudice or mental blindness. Traumas change prejudices. Thus, talking about these issues is not actually bad, but it is good. Let opposing ideas be discussed and debated. Namık Kemal has a very nice saying; ‘Sparks of truth arise from the collision of ideas.’. Let's talk, let's discuss to uncover the truth. Let's do this with the motivation to seek the truth. Let's not do it in the form of ego wars. There is a noisy minority who cannot speak candidly. Let's not take them into consideration and let’s not allow them occupy our time, our path. They are going to make noise, and we are going to move on.".

Everyone needs to join forces and do bigger things

Stating that social media has turned societies into a society of pleasure, appreciation and spectacle, Tarhan said that "This is a global phenomenon that will continue. What do you do when a flood comes? You cannot resist the flood, or you cannot stand aside and wait. You take refuge in a log and go to your destination. There is a serious global impact in the world right now. The more we can correct our own space, the more we will be able to move forward against this effect. Parents, general directorates, ministries... Everyone needs to join forces and do bigger things. This is a plague. Not doing anything about it right now is like the traffic police not going over and interfering with the cars. This will lead to social and moral accidents.".

Gender orientation is not genetics

"The gender orientation is not genetic. We call it epigenetics, not genetics. Epigenetic; it is genetic polymorphism of the environment's upbringings, and this can change. There is evidence that it is not entirely genetic. They investigated whether 477,000 people in the United States, Toronto and Canada had a third sex gene. According to the study of nearly 500,000 people related to the third sex, there were no genes other than the female and male chromosomes related to the third sex. This paper was published in 2019 in the journal Nature. What is being said today is scientifically unfounded. It was even falsified, let alone verified. Therefore, there is no such thing as a double gender or a third gender. However, social policymakers are talking about it. This issue has become ideology or doctrine. Those who support this doctrine, those who have an interest in the issue, those who plan globally are speaking."

Before the age of 10, the child asks their parent about gender

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that there is no third gender other than male and female and said that "There are exceptions that occur once in 10 thousand, such as Intersex, which carries both genders. It is an inconvenience. Sexual identity is about social learning. Therefore, it can vary up to 11-12 years old. After that, it becomes more difficult, the person changes if they want. In most of these cases, we see reactive children who do not have a good relationship with their parents and want to annoy them. Even if there is such a mistake in children with a good parental relationship, the child cares and then gives up. For this reason, this situation seems to be in weak families. This process is influenced by two concepts: weak family ties and bad friends. It is important to be able to fix them. If the child is in early adolescence, around the age of 12 and before that, the solution to this problem is in the hands of the parents. Especially before the age of 10, the child asks their parent about gender. If the parents use a common language and develop a similar attitude, the child tends to accept the rights of the family because the child needs the parents biologically, sociologically, and psychologically in such situations. However, a sense of autonomy begins with entering adolescence. The child begins to question their parent at that time. Whatever the father says, the child starts doing the opposite because the child wants to say, ‘I grew up’.”.

Let’s not silence our children

"It is natural for a child to be a protester. It is not healthy for a child at that age to be like a lamb," Tarhan said, and concluded his remarks with the following suggestions: “After puberty, a child can exhibit a completely different personality. Therefore, the child who asks questions is doing it right. Let's not silence our children. In our culture, there is the culture of young ones not talking back to their elders. When you say to the child, "Be quiet, you don't understand, you're a child," the child bottles it away. The child will learn it from somewhere else. The child learns from social media. Let's talk to the child at home. Let's talk about wrong and let's talk about right. Why is this wrong thing wrong? Why is this true? If we do not know this, let's talk to the expert. Information is so easy to access right now. There are experts and books. Associations were established in accordance with our own culture. Help can be obtained from them. After adolescence, there is a serious difference of opinion within the schools of medicine and psychology. They say, 'If this kid feels this way, let them stay like this.' We cannot say that a child whose the mother and father are the natural guardian, who does not have legal capacity, and who does not have the ability to transfer money from the bank, and, has the ability to change gender. There is no scientific basis for this. Its legal basis is also seriously controversial. There is uncertainty in Türkiye.".


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