A cooperation protocol was signed with Kazakhstan Humanitarian and Technical Academy

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.41255

Üsküdar University added another one to its cooperation protocols with Turkic Republics universities. A cooperation protocol was signed with Kazakhstan Humanitarian and Technical Academy. The protocol was signed between Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör and Kazakhstan Humanitarian and Technical Academy Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Baurjan Karimov who is responsible of scientific research and international relations, and it offers a cooperation in the fields of education and science.

Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör, Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Muhsin Konuk, Department of Sociology faculty member Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı, Üsküdar University International Registration and Communication Manager Dilbar Aliyeva attended the protocol signing ceremony held at Üsküdar University Central Campus Senate Hall.

Prof. Nazife Güngör: “We support all kind of support to the improvement of the relations with our brother Turkic Republics”

Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör drew attention to the importance of the protocol in the opening speech of the signing ceremony. Güngör stated that "Cooperation between our universities is very important. Especially with our brother Turkic Republics, we provide all kinds of support to the development of mutual relations in the scientific field both as our country and as our university. We can carry out joint projects and scientific activities in many areas. I would like to thank our professors who contributed to the preparation of the protocol.".

Assoc. Prof. Baurjan Karimov "It has a particular value for us to sign this protocol"

Kazakhstan Humanitarian and Technical Academy Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Baurjan Karimov, who is in charge of Scientific Research and International Relations, emphasized that the universities established in 1991 are located in the city of Kokshetau close to the capital Astana and that the region they are located in within the framework of the university-business world cooperation they have realized has made very important contributions, especially in the field of economy. Assoc. Prof. Karimov stated that "After seeing the wide opportunities of Üsküdar University, it has a particular value for us to sign this protocol. Benefiting from the experience of Üsküdar University, our cooperation in many areas such as student and faculty exchange is very important for us.".

Prof. Muhsin Konuk: "Students, academics and staff will prepare the ground for joint projects"

Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Muhsin Konuk presented extensive information about Üsküdar University's R&D activities and innovative projects in many areas. He expressed his hope that the cooperation protocols signed with Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and other brother Turkic Republics will pave the way for joint projects in many fields such as student and academic staff exchange programs.

Üsküdar University Department of Sociology faculty member Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı stated that they attach importance to cooperation with the universities of the Central Asian Turkic Republics with the encouragement and support of President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan since the establishment of Üsküdar University and stated that they will be further enriched with the studies to be carried out in academic fields between the two universities with the protocol signed.

PhD student at the Department of Sociology at Eurasian University of Kazakhstan Dilda Karimova said that she was pleased to be in the scope of internship at Üsküdar University and that benefiting from the academic opportunities at the university made a significant contribution to her scientific studies.

After the end of the speeches, Prof. Nazife Güngör and Assoc. Prof. Baurjan Karimov, Vice Rector of the Kazakhstan Humanitarian and Technical Academy in charge of scientific research and international relations, signed a cooperation protocol.

With the cooperation protocol signed, it is aimed to mutually benefit from laboratory facilities in joint research, seminars, conferences and other scientific activities and international projects between the two universities. Again, cooperation will be carried out on short or long-term faculty and student exchanges with aim to increase their knowledge and experience in making projects together.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)