The third pathology book by Prof. İbrahim Öztek was published

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Üsküdar University Head of Medical Pathology Department Prof. İbrahim Öztek, who continues his scientific life in Üsküdar University, wrote his third Pathology coursebook. Öztek introduced briefly his latest book “Macroscopic Analysis in Pathology, Description and Illustration (Macroscopic Dissection) and gifted his book to his colleagues at the event where President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Rector Nazife Güngör, Deans and faculty members attended.


Üsküdar University Medical Pathology Department Head Prof. İbrahim Öztek also wrote the third Pathology coursebook. Öztek's first book is titled "Basic Principles in Cytology" on the basis of identifying cancer from individual cells, and his second book is titled "Pathology from the Perspective of Occupational Therapy" about the causes, processes and treatments of diseases that concern all three of the body, mind and soul structures that make up the human being.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Our professor is, so to speak, the locomotive of university science"

President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan thanked Üsküdar University Medical Pathology Department Head Prof. İbrahim Öztek. Tarhan said that "Our professor is, so to speak, the locomotive of university science. As the Head of the Department of Medical Pathology, he is extremely productive and sets an example for young faculty members and encourages them. We are eternally grateful to him.".

'Macroscopic Dissection' book is a first in Türkiye

Prof. İbrahim Öztek, who stated that he would soon present thirty thousand cancer slides to the Üsküdar University library and present them to the service of world science, said that "While serving at Gülhane Military Medical Academy, we have made many researches and publications that have received degrees around the world. However, there was something missing. That was to write books and create permanent works. I am trying to complete this deficiency within the opportunities provided by my esteemed President Prof. Nevzat Tarhan. I'm just at the beginning. I have thirty thousand cancer slides. I have classified them, named them and will bestow them to the Üsküdar University library in the near future and present them to the service of world science. My book 'Macroscopic Dissection' is a first in Türkiye. It will be distributed free of charge to the pathology community. Our culture says, 'Even if the knowledge is in China, go and get it.' It is not enough to get knowledge from China. You will produce it. Since we are going to raise the future Avicenna, Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin, Hamdi Suat Aknar, Hulusi Behçet, Gazi Yaşargil, Aziz Sancar and Uğur Şahin, then we will work hard as teachers, produce and save Turkish science from the science of translation. By transferring our own experiences to our students, we will ensure that they grow up in a realistic way.".

Prof. İbrahim Öztek published the textbook in the form of a Macroscope Atlas including nearly a thousand tumor photographs in the 100th anniversary of the Republic, and he presented it as a gift to all Üsküdar University students and experts.

Later, Öztek presented the Kırkpınar magazine, of which he was the editor, to Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who is a fan of Oil Wrestling and Aba Wrestling.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)