Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: “A profession that is chosen correctly has a therapeutic effect”

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Now it is time to university preference, which is one of the important steps for the journey of university, with the announcement of the results of YKS (Higher Education Institutions Exam. Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who is an educator and psychiatrist, made guiding suggestions to candidate regarding the preferences which is of particular concern to an important majority of Türkiye when the number of candidates who have entered the exam is considered. Noting that the first condition of the right preference is that a person first should know themselves and the profession very well, Tarhan said that it is needed to establish connection between the characteristics of the person and the qualities of the profession. Reminding that the profession is important not only for livelihood but also for the self-satisfaction, rewarding feeling and happiness of the person, Tarhan stated that a correctly chosen profession has a therapeutic effect.

University exam results and the success ranking have been announced. Now, it is time for the university preferences. University candidates will make their preferences according to their success rankings until August 8 which is the deadline announced by the CoHE. President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who said that 15 million people are in the preference period if they are considered together with their families, talked about the methods of making the right decisions and explained the tips for choosing the appropriate professions.

Candidates should not choose the departments which they will think that "I will never go"!

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said and warned that "There are two important choices in a person’s life: choosing a profession and marriage. Research on decision-making behavior shows that 52% of people do not choose the profession they want at first. Therefore, the rate of re-taking the exam is very high. Young people realize when they are studying that they will not do that profession, and then they want to change it. They take the exam again. Almost a third of those who enter the exam are the ones who take the test again. Although the transfer system is being expanded, students should not choose a department they do not want. They should not include in the preference lists the departments where they will think that 'I will never go.’”.

There is a significant connection between a person’s characteristics and the characteristics of a profession

Kişinin doğru mesleği seçmesi konusunu örneklerle anlatan Tarhan “İnsanlara dokunmayı, onlarla konuşmayı, sohbet etmeyi, yardım etmeyi seven bir kimse hemşirelik, psikolog mesleğini tercih edebilirken, insanlarla temas etmeyi sevmeyen, konuşmak istemeyen sosyal puanı düşük bir kişi teknik beceri isteyen bir meslek seçebilir. Sosyal ve duygusal becerileri, merhamet duygusu daha gelişmiş bir insan öğretmenlik mesleğini tercih edebilir. Bu nedenle kişilik özellikleri ile meslek arasındaki çok ciddi bir bağlantı vardır.” İfadelerini kullandı.

Tarhan listed the stages to choose the right profession as follows: “It is necessary that a person must have a list of priority by knowing themselves, their skills and qualifications at the first stage. At the second stage, they should learn the profession they will choose. The weak and strong aspects of that profession… For example, what is the concept of working hours? Will you be both happy and successful when you perform this job? Have you observed somebody who do this profession? What kind of impression you got? They should look at such details. At the last stage, a person must establish a connection between their personality and the characteristics of the profession.”. Explaining the issue of choosing the right profession with examples, Tarhan said, "A person who likes to touch, talk to people, chat with them and help them may prefer the profession of nursing and psychologist, while a person who does not like to contact people and does not want to talk can choose a profession that requires technical skills. A person with more developed social and emotional skills and a sense of compassion may prefer the teaching profession. Therefore, there is a very serious connection between personality traits and profession.".

A correctly chosen profession has a therapeutic effect

Stating that the issue of "livelihood" is usually brought to the fore in career choices, Tarhan said that "Profession is actually important not only for livelihood but also for the self-satisfaction, satisfaction and happiness of the person. It is important for mental health that people do what they do with love, that they have a purpose when they wake up in the morning, that they have a planned life, and that they can plan the present and the future. For example, in therapies, we set a therapeutic goal to have a purpose when you get up in the morning. A correctly chosen profession also has a therapeutic effect. It should not be thought of only as financial gain. For this reason, we advise students to decide not only for their 4-year university education, but also for a profession that I will carry like a sword for a lifetime and spend my life."

The candidate will make the final decision!

Referring to the importance of the young person consulting to everyone who knows them and the preference counselor during this period, Tarhan said that "People's university life is one of the most important social periods. While their personality is being shaped, their profession is also being shaped. Friendly relations in universities, friendships are really important. For this reason, the child will make the final decision by asking their parents, getting the opinion of the guidance counselor who knows them at school, taking the opinion of the class teacher, consulting the preference counselor. One will take the responsibility for their decision. If a person regrets it, they will experience their pain themselves. They should not say afterwards, 'My mother wanted it, my father wanted it, you misled me.' Parents are the guide. They will speak their mind, but they will not pressure and force their child to choose a department. They will not ask themselves the question of their own dreams, but the question 'which is the most suitable profession for the future of their child'. That person will make the final decision. Moreover, they can draw the road map by researching the places where they can get counseling services.".

"Which university" with career test

Drawing attention to the importance of "Career Tests" in directing people to the right professions in making decisions, Tarhan said and led the university candidates to make the right choice that "Üsküdar University's web page has a career test that allows a person to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This test gives results on which or which of the artistic, academic, social, verbal areas the person is successful in. Although verbal, numerical or equal weighted scores are currently certain, it is also useful to apply to a career scale. Preference consultants who have consulted tens of thousands of people in universities guide candidates in this regard. These consultants rank according to the success ranking and the wishes of the people. For example, if the candidate unwittingly writes a department they want less in the front row and the department they want remains in the second place, one has made the wrong order. For this reason, they should make use of preference advisors and preference robots. Thus, they will prevent the risks of accidents on this road opened in front of them".

A university Preference check list from Prof. Nevzat Tarhan

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that the students should not make quick decisions and they should evaluate the time until August 8 efficiently. Tarhan completed his remarks by listing the tips for making a right choice as follows:

√ Be a university student not just to obtain a diploma but to learn. Thus, choose the universities that states 'Let those who want to learn come'.

√ Remember, the university you choose is the biggest investment you make in your future.

√ Choose for the departments where you believe you can be both happy and successful. It is not all about success.

√ Look at the web pages of universities and departments you want.

√ Check out the academic staff on those pages.

√ Visit the Bologna Information System page, and learn the curricula.

√ Does the University use the Bologna Information System? Has it declared the course it will teach?

√ Is this course in accordance with the quality system? Are the learning outcomes adequate?

√ In the century of big data that we are in, no matter which profession you choose, choose universities where you believe you can learn artificial intelligence, English, a second foreign language and software.



Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)