Is gender identity inherent or acquired?

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President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan wrote an article titled “Is Gender Identity Inherent or Acquired?” in the book titled “A Meta-Analysis of the Subversion of Family Institution on a Global and Social scale (Aile Kurumunun İfsâdının Küresel ve Toplumsal Boyutta Bir Meta- Analizi)” published by Kaknüs Psikoloji Publishing. Tarhan examines the most discussed issues such as biological sex, sexuality and sexual orientation with scientific foundations in the book which consists of the writings of experts in the field with the initiative of the World Children and Family Protection Platform (ÇAKOP).

Here’s Tarhan’s article:
What is biological sex;

Woman’s brain work different Left brain is related to logical brain computation (logic, reasoning, analysis, speech), and right brain is related to emotions (emotion, excitement art, aesthetic, music). With adolescence, frontal lob (fore brain) gets mature, and the thinking brain and feeling brain start to work connectively. Right brain is dominant in girls whereas left brain is dominant in boys. The left brain is associated with causation, the right brain is associated with holistic. Since neuroscience was not yet very advanced when Einstein's brain was found, it is being studied in detail after the developments (in the last 15-20 years).

In the middle region of brain, there is corpus collosum which provides the communication between the right and left lob. The thickness of Einstein’s corpus collosum was found to be much higher than average, that is, it is detected that he used both of his lobs at a very advanced level. If a person developed their fore brain, they also use both spheres. Men think from one point. Women think emotionally. Men think in a result-focused manner. Women feel lonely and want to tell and share it. They try to relax. In a research, female and male students are given a button. They are told that “press the button when it connotates sexuality”. Male students press the button 5 times more. Male brain is eroticism-oriented while female brain is romanticism-oriented. Their sex is not equal biologically, and it is innate. It is coded differently to our genes and chromosomes. Between 1950 and 2000, the gross national product in the United States increased from $ $20,000 to $35,000. However, the happiness score has remained the same. In fact, happiness is not the goal, but the result. In the search for happiness, it is necessary to question hedonism, the philosophy of life that glorifies sexuality. If a person lives correctly, happiness comes by itself.

What about the family in the Western world;
Mating is biological but marriage is cultural. Sexual identity also happens through sociocultural learning. For example, the samurai went to live with their wives to have children. Later, they met their needs with their same-sex fellows. Socioculturally, they did so. This is wrong in our culture. This is what happened during the time of Lot. Before Noah, incest and marriages without marriage were very common. It is considered right in Western culture. The rate of children born without marriage is 2.09% in Türkiye, 54% in Sweden, 56% in Norway, 59% in France and 47% in the UK.

Children born in France have "parent 1" and "parent 2" written on their IDs. They cannot write "mother" because they cannot give maternal affection. The number of children growing up with a single parent is more than the number of children. They pay more attention to genderlesness. We have the right to say "no" because it is not genetic, they say. Because they are imposing a genderless society.

Marriage in Türkiye;
Between 2001 and 2018, there was a 54.8% increase in the divorce rate. We may need to increase child protection programs. There is an increase in the number of single-person households. Household fragility is increasing. It was wrong to take the culture of the West. We saw that. There are open marriages in the United States. Both parties are married to someone else. (They criticized Iran as having a "muta nikah.")

The reasons increasing the subversion of family institution;

Woman and man are equal in rights and freedom. They are not equal biologically. Among to countries, being member of the OECD, Türkiye ranks first with 38% in violence against women in 2019 (physical and sexual abuse).

We must take measurements against this. They have started not to dress their children in pink and blue so that they will not teach gender. They defined almost 100 genders. They formed a party defending incest relationship. It could not enter the parliament. In Germany, the ethics committee makes a decision defending incest. The two brothers live together without getting married. Both of them are physically and mentally healthy, and a decision comes out that "it is not right to consider this a crime". This is a start. The rest will come. We must take precautions.

Essential Definitions
Biological sex: Female and male. It has a counterpart in genetic sequencing.
Gender identity role: Female, male. Genderlessness, transsexuality, bisexuality, transvestitism. After the age of 18, the person can be treated if they want. If the person does not want it, this is left to social acceptance. Since it is an area of freedom, the treatment decision can be taken according to the preference of the person.
Sexual orientation: Describes female, male, homosexuality, pedophilia, incest, bisexuality, sexlessness, choice of sexual partner. The last two sexual roles have no equivalent in terms of genetic sequence. There is no such thing as a gay gene. In the research conducted at the University of Oxford in February 2022, there is no genetic sequence of transsexuality and transvestitism. It is not in the gene map.

Homosexuality as a Sexual Role and Orientation: Homosexuality is a section that was removed from the psychiatric classification books in 1973, is not considered a disease, but is recommended to be treated only as a social problem. In terms of sexual orientation, there is orientation to the same sex. These individuals are not bothered by the difference between their biological sexual identity and their preferred sexual role. It is often hidden. They do not become members of gay associations. (Like the Samurai Warriors) This role includes homosexuals who say, "I am identified as a man, but I live sexuality with my own sex.".
Sexual dysphoria is a disease. If one says, "I am a man (or a woman if she is a woman) but I'm uncomfortable with it," it is a disease. It is a must to help these people. However, they want to ban therapies. Few psychiatrists can disagree because the pressure is so intense. It is not treated without the consent of the person. However, social restrictions can be imposed. One has the freedom to do wrong. There is also the freedom to deviate from temptation. Education should be given before the age of 18, even before entering puberty. During early adolescence, if parents leave them on their own and say, "Live as you wish," the child may turn that way. Transsexuality is the desire to be like the opposite sex, dressing like it. The West has paved the way for that.

Trans Identities

Transgender Identity: It is the state of feeling like the opposite sex. The disease has been recognized. The person may or may not have internalized homosexuality. It can be hidden or open.
Transvestitism: Dressing like the opposite sex. It has been recognized as a disease.
Sociohomosexual orientation: Feeling like the natural biological sex but living with the opposite sex in the sexual role. It is not defined as a disease, but is left to the approval of cultures. The concepts of gay and lesbian are popular definitions that encompass all three groups.

What do we understand by the definition of gender identity?

Gender Identity Disorder: It is the condition that a person intensely wants to be of the opposite sex or believes that one is of the opposite sex. The person becomes extremely uncomfortable with their own biological sex. (see. Jacobson J., Jacobson A.; translated by Kayaalp and Doğangün, 2006, p: 130) This section is the section of homosexuality that is included in the disease classification systems that has been changed and redefined. Transvestitism is known as transsexuality. It is known that it needs treatment and is defined as a disease in the books (DSM IV, s. : 723, sequence no: 302,5, DSM V, 2013, Gender Dsyphoria).
There is the Feral Child Case. The child is growing up with mom and dad until the age of 3 years. He disappears at the age of 3. (up to 10 years old). Once found, he behaves like a dog. Until the age of 20, she can only learn to stand and speak limitedly. It is not clear whether this child is a girl or a boy. It is also not clear from their behavior. This is an example to say that sexual identity is culturally learned. The human child has come into the world to learn and learn until the age of 18.

Is it necessary to fight for homophobia? Homophobia should be understood as insulting homosexuals. People with this preference should be respected, but it should also be noted that they are not approved if necessary. What is heterophobia? It is the opposite of homophobia. It refers to fear to the degree of hating marriage. It is common among gay activists. For these reasons, it may be desirable to take the right stance in health and education policies in order not to increase homosexual preferences among future generations. In my opinion, showing sensitivity towards future generations is a commendable behavior. And it should be evaluated within the scope of preventive mental health studies.

The Importance of Early Adolescence

There is no scientific basis for defining homosexuality as a healthy condition like heterosexuality. If enlightening information is not given to the public, the door of treatment and help is closed to people who have noticed homosexual tendencies in early adolescence and strive for internal control and impulse control, that is, those who have homosexual tendencies and want to control them. It is extremely objectionable for psychiatric associations to be tools of misunderstandings and suggestions that will increase homosexual preferences. Encouraging and directing individuals who are concerned about sexual identity to homosexual identity is a socially responsible situation for a professional.

Sexual Role Measurement
A 2-stage method of measuring socially determined sex. In 2010, Wylie et al. used this two-item scale; they worked with a sample of 82 adolescents in a cognitive interview phase and with people who identified themselves as female, male or transgender. The first item measured gender outlook and the second item measured gender attitudes. (Source: Wylie SA., Corliss HL., Boulanger V., Prokop l.A., Austin SB, 2010, Socially assigned gender nonconformity: Gender Roles 63( 3-4) : 264-276 ). As Üsküdar University, "Sexual Dysphoria Scale" was made.

1- Sexual Appearance Scale
A person's appearance, style or clothes influence the way people think about a person. On average, you think about how people will describe your look, style, or outfit?

(Choose one)
- Very womanly (Feminine)
- Mostly womanly
- Somewhat womanly
- Equally womanly and manly (Masculine)
- Somewhat manly
- Mostly manly
- Very manly

2-Sexual Mannerism Scale
A person's attitude (such as the way they talk or walk) influences the way people think about a person. How do you think on average people would describe your attitude?

(Choose one)

- Very womanly (Feminine)
- Mostly womanly
- Somewhat womanly
- Equally womanly and manly (Masculine)
- Somewhat manly
- Mostly manly
- Very manly

3- Measuring Sexual Attraction
4- Measuring Sexual Orientation
Gender Equality Ideology

For these reasons, "gender equality" is a global ideology. Whether we accept it or not is the responsibility of those who determine social policies. Please let us see the West's sick prescription of "gender equality" and the outcome of its cultural psychological warfare. Let's defend gender justice, not gender equality. LGBT+ Q is a social movement, which spreads if it is approved by society like any social movement.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)