Successful applications of Industrial Engineering students were awarded

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Üsküdar University Department of Industrial Engineering and Industry and Leadership Club organized a "Celebration Ceremony for the Success of the Application of the STEAM Based Education Model in Üsküdar University Department of Industrial Engineering". Students showed great interest in the ceremony, where important brand representatives and managers from the field were also guests. The event was attended by Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Prof. Osman Çerezci, Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering Prof. Mehmet Savsar and Asst. Prof. Münire Berna Beşkese, Kuveyt Türk Deputy General Manager R. Ahmet Albayrak, Hayat Holding Kastamonu Entegre Global Human Resources Director Ahmet Selim Çelebi, EKMO Consulting (Former SEIMENS Gebze Factory Quality Manager) Ertan Karamehmetoğlu, Kastamonu Integrated Quality Systems Development Group Manager Onur Yılmaz, Bab-I Hayat Health, Education and Support Systems Dr. Burak Alptekin and Üsküdar University Industrial Engineering Graduate Hüsna Tellioğlu.

Successful applications of Industrial Engineering students were awarded

Üsküdar University Department of Industrial Engineering and Industry and Leadership Club organized a "Celebration Ceremony for the Success of the Application of the STEAM Based Education Model in Üsküdar University Department of Industrial Engineering". Students showed great interest in the ceremony, where important brand representatives and managers from the field were also guests. The event was attended by Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Prof. Osman Çerezci, Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering Prof. Mehmet Savsar and Asst. Prof. Münire Berna Beşkese, Kuveyt Türk Deputy General Manager R. Ahmet Albayrak, Hayat Holding Kastamonu Entegre Global Human Resources Director Ahmet Selim Çelebi, EKMO Consulting (Former SEIMENS Gebze Factory Quality Manager) Ertan Karamehmetoğlu, Kastamonu Integrated Quality Systems Development Group Manager Onur Yılmaz, Bab-I Hayat Health, Education and Support Systems Dr. Burak Alptekin and Üsküdar University Industrial Engineering Graduate Hüsna Tellioğlu.

The opening speech of the event, which was held at the Central Campus Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall, was made by Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering Prof. Mehmet Savsar. Stating that industrial engineering is one of the disciplines and its purpose is to find solutions to industrial problems, Savsar said that "The discipline of industrial engineering started with the aim of finding solutions to industrial problems. During its implementation as a profession, the discipline of Industrial engineering changed and became intertwined not only with industrial problems, but also with all problems in the service sectors and other sectors. Industrial Engineers are interested in designing assembly lines, performing work study analysis, designing work centers, trying to increase productivity and the productivity of workers in industrial environments. But today organizations have become very complex, problems of planning and control have arisen. Without scientific principles and engineering design, solution approaches have become impossible.".

Prof. Mehmet Savsar: "Students who do projects can communicate better..."

Savsar mentioned that in the last 20 years, he has been involved and trained hundreds of students in some basic projects in different companies and said that "I can say without a doubt that by applying some of the tools they have learned during their studies, students who do projects in the industry are more mature, able to communicate better, write reports and work. As Üsküdar University Department of Industrial Engineering, we are aware of the need to educate our students with sufficient infrastructure and application to cope with real-life problems. In the past three years, we have tried to cooperate with different sectors of the sector and to include them and to contribute to the education process and development in our department. We formed an external advisory committee and met with them twice to get their advice on improving our curriculum. We have also collaborated with different organizations and some outstanding administrators, and even trained our faculty for the improvement of our industrial engineering program.".

Asst. Prof. Münire Berna Beşkese: "Analytical thinking and innovation are very important..."

Department of Industrial Engineering Head of the Commission for Improving the Quality of Education Asst. Prof. Münire Berna Beşkese said in her speech that "Our journey with our external stakeholders began three years ago. I think we got together online a week later, and we had a meeting. We said we wanted to improve our education system, so this was our first meeting, and we got advice from them after the meeting. We received important advice, that we should teach our students how to do teamwork and improve their communication skills. We have designed our curriculum accordingly. We made them take the creativity and innovation course in the first semester and the start-up projects course in the second semester. Our clients are actually our human resources department in the first place because they hire our graduates or they do not. Thereofre, we said let's talk to them, listen to their advice and take their preferences. What are the talents and abilities they want from our graduates? So, we designed our curriculum backwards and revised our lessons based on their feedback. Thus, analytical thinking and innovation are very important here.".

Ahmet Albayrak: "I discovered how important the thing called value is..."

Kuveyt Türk Deputy General Manager Ahmet Albayrak stated that he has been working for 35 years and half of them have been senior managers. Albayrak stated that "While working in organizations, I discovered how important value is. Values certainly spread through people and create a corporate atmosphere. After that corporate atmosphere is formed, a life begins there. The people who create and pursue these values create those institutions. Actually, the story here dates back to 8th century and it begins with the Islamization of the Turks. In the middle of our civilization there is a person called 'Feta'. 'Feta' means valiant. These people formed the Ahi after they settled down. First the futuristic and the valiant, and then the Ahi community. Ahi community means the brotherhood of the brave. Such braves first establish the Seljuk State and then the Ottomans. For this reason, the institutions established by the Seljuks and the Ottomans formed a civilization. The Ahi have actually brought together all of their beliefs, their professional lives, their social lives and, of course, their spiritual lives. In other words, they lived an integrated life. That's how they looked at the profession, that's how they looked at life. In my opinion, there are three basic characteristics of the Ahi; they are each other's companions, another characteristic is that they raise people, and their last characteristic is that they support and serve society. They put people at the subject of what they do.”.

Ahmet Selim Çelebi: "In the culture we grew up in, we never looked at humans as a resource"

Hayat Holding, Kastamonu Entegre Global Human Resources Director Ahmet Selim Çelebi emphasized the importance of theAahi community organization in his speech. Çelebi said that "I would like to thank everyone for your invitation to such a beautiful organization. I see myself as a work of the philosophy of Ahi community. In the culture in which we were raised, we have never looked at humans as a resource. I think that any contribution to be made to the person we see like this on the basis and from the seed while growing from it is very meaningful and valuable. I congratulate you all, it has been a really nice journey, I would like to say this transparently that the learning journey will never end, and we will continue to support you under all circumstances.".

Ertan Karamehmetoglu: "Working in the quality department is very valuable..."

EKMO Consulting (Former SEIMENS Gebze Factory Quality Manager) Ertan Karamehmetoğlu talked about the importance of quality. Karamehmetoglu stated that "It is truly a pleasure and a great honor to participate in this event, to do my part for our students, to give them what is real in terms of quality. Life means working for a quality and industrial engineer in the future, perhaps in a quality manager or quality department. This is a very valuable thing.”.

Dr. Burak Alptekin: "It's really an honor to be here"

Bab-I Hayat Health, Education and Support Systems Dr. Burak Alptekin congratulated the winning students and congratulated them on their success. Alptekin said that "We congratulate our students and their professors who have been awarded the prize. To get this far and finally get a degree is a really big achievement. Believe me, this is just the beginning. When I was graduating from medical school, I always thought, you know, that I was going to have the capacity to really understand and influence people in this situation better, but the education that life has taught me has just begun and continues as if I had just started school, like the first day. It is really an honor to be here. It is great to see young people moving on with their lives and education. Seeing them as part of a growing society, especially in your field, I think that's one of the most needed areas because you're the people who understand the systems and are there to optimize them. There is only one thing I would like to ask of you, do not forget the concept of man, as long as you have it. Remember that we are all here to serve humanity. If you look at history, you will see that you know that the only successful thing that is not forgotten is those that are done for the good of humanity. For better or worse, if you do something for humanity, you will find a way to be remembered. I really trust you. Thank you.".

Prof. Osman Çerezci: "We work like an institution of ahi community..."

In his speech, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Prof. Osman Çerezci said that "I would like to thank you all very much as the institutions that support us in this regard. In our university, of course, we work like an institution of ahi community with the support of our university president.".

Onur Yılmaz: “All humans are an asset to us."

Hayat Holding, Kastamonu Integrated Quality Systems Development Group Manager Onur Yılmaz participated in the event online. Yılmaz stated that "I think my professor Münire and I came into contact about two or three years ago, just before or at the beginning of the pandemic years. We had very good exchanges of ideas with her and later with these brainstorms. We tried to teach in the quality control course and wanted some of the topics in this course to be related to our practices in the industry I work in. All people are an asset to us. That's why I want to share my knowledge with you. We call our practices in the industry operational excellence, and we have gone through just two techniques. One of them is 5S and the other is problem solving techniques. I hope that in the coming years we will do much more to our people, our country and our assets from the global world, so it is very valuable for us to share your knowledge. Finally, I want to thank you all for sharing my views here.".


Successful students were awarded certificates

Hüsna Tellioğlu, who graduated from Üsküdar University Department of Industrial Engineering in 2020, took part in the event as a speaker. She shared her educational, instructive and educative memories she had throughout her education life with the participants.

The event ended with presenting certificates to the Industrial Engineering students for their achievements and a group photo shoot.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)