Türkiye's first space travelers are now at Üsküdar University...

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.41004

While Türkiye's first space travelers were preparing to make a historic journey to Space after a 6-month training period, this time the delegation's stop was Üsküdar University. Within the scope of the study where 13 scientific projects were carried out within the scope of the science mission, Alper Gezeravcı and Tuva Cihangir Atasever met with the project coordinators at Üsküdar University. They received training from Dr. Cihan Taştan and his team on the study.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Transgenic Cell Technologies and Epigenetics Application and Research Center (TRENGMER) hosted Turkish astronauts who will go to space for the first time at the Aziz Sancar Conference Hall in the Central Campus.

Within the scope of the National Space Program, Turkish space travelers Alper Gezeravcı and Tuva Cihangir Atasever will carry out 13 experiments within the scope of the science mission. One of these 13 science projects belongs to Üsküdar University.

Dr. Taştan and his team informed Gezeravcı and Atasever about the Message (Microgravity Associated Genetics) project.

Within the scope of the training, TRGENMER Director Dr. Cihan Taştan informed space travelers. Expressing his happiness and gratitude on behalf of the organization that will go down in the history of astronomy in Türkiye, Taştan stated that "We are doing many studies especially in the fields of cancer treatments, cancer immunotherapy and genetic engineering. I owe a sincere debt of gratitude to Mr. Gezeravcı and Mr. Atasever in a beautiful organization that will go down in the astronomy history of Türkiye, as well as to the Turkish Space Agency and TÜBİTAK Space and their esteemed directors who organized these studies. We have taught dozens of times in this hall, which is very special for us. This is a hall named after Aziz Sancar Hoca, who brought our Nobel Prize. In this hall, we are proud to have signed such a valuable work that will go down in the history of Turkish space and to be a part of it.".

Dr. Taştan: "We will not get the message from space, but from the genetic profile that space affects."

Speaking about the Message science mission, Taştan said that they named the message by deriving it from the name Microgravity Associated Genetics. Stating that they are thinking of giving a message, receiving a message, Dr. Taştan added that this message will not come from space, but directly from the genetic profile that space affects. Taştan said that "In the presentation, I will talk about our team and also what kind of project this is. We will talk about the procedure that we should carry out in space, especially after the blood sample collection. After the training, we will visit our laboratories.".

Applied blood collection demonstrated...

Then, the sample blood collection was shown to the delegation that will go to space by the training nurse Melis Kübra Duran.

"The project draws attention to an important area in terms of our future in space"

Stating that the project draws attention to a very important area in terms of our future in space, Taştan said that "We aim to analyze the genetic profile of our Turkish Astronaut and to investigate the Anti-Cancer, Proliferation and Immunogenic Effects of the Acoustic Levitation Device Providing Microgravity Environment. It is aimed to detect genes whose function has not yet been discovered affected by the non-gravity environment and to determine which of the immune cells will be directly affected by gravity in space missions with CRISPR gene engineering methods.". The productive meeting ended after a group photo shoot.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)