Üsküdar University became the only Turkish Center of Excellence selected by UNESCO TWAS

Üsküdar University became the only Turkish Center of Excellence selected by UNESCO TWAS

UNESCO TWAS selected Üsküdar University, where many international students carry out their doctorate scientific studies with the support of TÜBİTAK, as the only Turkish University assigned as the Center of Excellence. Üsküdar University has taken its place as the Center of Excellence along with China, Indonesia, Lebanon, Mexico, Philippines, and Taiwan. 

Üsküdar University, the first thematic University in Turkey in the fields of Behavioral Sciences and Health, has become the only Turkish University assigned as the Center of Excellence by UNESCO TWAS due to its studies in Neurobiology, Cognitive Medicine and Brain Research.

Üsküdar University is the first and only University selected to be the Center of Excellence in Turkey by the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS).

TWAS is an organization established by UNESCO in order to enable the developing countries to advance to a substantial scientific level. For this purpose, the institutions and organizations are designated as “the center of excellence” with their own advanced infrastructure and choose young and bright minds of the developing countries themselves; also provide training in these centers of excellence.

Üsküdar University became the only Turkish Center of Excellence selected by UNESCO TWAS 2

The journey of being the Center of Excellence 

Üsküdar University Vice President Prof. Muhsin Konuk assessed the Coordinator of the Academy of Sciences for the Emerging World Dr. Max Paoli’s visit made to Üsküdar University as well as the whole process.

Prof. Muhsin Konuk stated that Dr. Max Paoli was very much impressed with Üsküdar University’s laboratories and research centers and TWAS has chosen Üsküdar University as Turkey’s Center of Excellence. He explained the visit and the developments as follows:

“Dr. Max Paoli, the Coordinator of World Academy of Sciences and the Coordinator between UNESCO and World Academy of Sciences, came to Istanbul in order to attend a meeting organized by the World Academy of Sciences. Dr. Paoli shared with his Turkish colleague, who is a Turkish member of the World Academy of Sciences that he would like to deliver a speech to the academicians at Istanbul. His friend called me and we organized a meeting at our University. We showed our University’s laboratories to Dr. Paoli, as he is a protein engineer. He observed our laboratories and study environment. He made an offer to me after visiting our experimental animal units, Pharmacogenetics, molecular biology, genetics, neuroscience, and neurotechnology laboratories. He told me ‘We provide doctoral students in developing countries with the centers of excellence that we determine as the World Academy of Sciences. Would you accept our offer given your University’s studies in neuroscience, brain and cognitive processes?’ Our journey has started thereafter.”

Üsküdar University became the only Turkish Center of Excellence selected by UNESCO TWAS 3

The first University at Turkey selected as the Center of Excellence by TWAS 

Prof Muhsin Konuk explained that the doctorate students and academicians in the emerging countries are accepted to the World Academy of Sciences, Centers of Excellence.

Prof. Konuk said, “TWAS enabled the students to study at different places and continue their studies there. Therefore, we are the first University in Turkey that is selected as the Center of Excellence by TWAS.

Üsküdar University became the only Turkish Center of Excellence selected by UNESCO TWAS 4

They will contribute with TÜBİTAK’s support

Prof. Muhsin Konuk underlined that Üsküdar University is focused on training good human being from the different regions of the world. He continued, “This is not only prestigious for our University but a great prestige for Turkey also. We executed various meetings with TÜBİTAK in order to receive support programs for the students’ accommodation and nutrition. They have also extended the support period from 12 months to 36 months. Thus, a new support program was developed that all Turkish universities can benefit due to our efforts. We would like to extend our gratitude as Üsküdar University to particularly TÜBİTAK President, Vice Presidents, Department Heads, Specialists, Assistant Specialists, and all TÜBİTAK personnel, who have supported us within this process.”

Prof. Konuk stated that a clause on TÜBİTAK’s support was added to the agreement. He said, “TÜBİTAK will provide financial support to Ph.D. students coming from developing countries. The international students, who will be under the supervision of our instructors at our laboratories and research facilities, will complete their studies.  They will model our research disciplines and methods, set up their own laboratories and will start to train people in their own countries.”

Üsküdar University became the only Turkish Center of Excellence selected by UNESCO TWAS 5

You can see the full list of UNESCO TWAS Centers of Excellence at the link below.


ÜNA (Üsküdar News Agency)