Global brand executives were guests of the Industry and Leadership Days

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The program, which started with the opening speeches of Üsküdar University Industry and Engineering Club President Melisa Yarşılıkal and Asst. Prof. Murat Anlı, continued with the presentations and remarks by the participants at Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall in the Main Campus.

The "Industry and Leadership Days" program organized by Üsküdar University Industry and Engineering Club was held with the participation of Asus Türkiye Manager Özge Kılıç Güler, IBS CEO Murat Çiftçi, Paket Taksi CEO Bülent Ozan and L'oreal General Manager Mehmet Karamollaoğlu.


Özge Kılıç Güler: "The probability is between zero and one"

Asus Türkiye Manager Özge Kılıç Güler, who started her speech by giving information about the place and importance of Asus in the Turkish market, continued her remarks as follows; "The probability is between zero and one, my friends. You calculate pages of repeating derivatives, and if you subtract, you will see a big zero at the end of the page. Therefore, whatever you are learning here, please comprehend its logic. Once you comprehended the logic, you will not need to work anyway. You will graduate from university. You will also be using it in business life. Was I the hardest working person when I was college life? No, no I wasn't. I usually traveled because I loved to travel, have fun, be social, and live in the moment. Was I the smartest? No, we had top scoring students in the school and class. I'm not one of them, however, I've never failed a class and I graduated from school with a certain average. I wanted to do both together. I wanted to learn and improve myself at the same time. At the same time, I wanted to be social and to communicate. That's what is real in my life. Applying what you have learned and selling it with your communication… It has no meaning in my opinion if you cannot do it at the same time. I think the clubs established here work the most. To be in a club here is really a huge added value.".

Murat Çiftçi: "Listen to your heart."

Talking about his education life, IBS CEO Murat Çiftçi informed the students about job interviews. Çiftçi said that "How are you going to do job interviews? What questions will you answer? How will you sit? What are you going to say? What will you be able to say? I went to job interviews after I study all of these topics, and I met with someone who had such an aura that the whole strategy disappeared. I said I was okay with everything at one point. I will not even ask about my salary. I am not asking where the office is, I do not know what is being done. Whatever they said, I said okay. We have friends among you who are in different disciplines. No matter which path you choose, some of you are still undecided and have no idea what to do. I have been in the same company for 25 years. That is the biggest indicator for me. Listen to your heart.".

Bülent Ozan: "Virtual market is my project''

CEO of Paket Taksi Bülent Ozan, who gave examples from his own business life, stated that "I graduated from METU Industrial Engineering Department in 1996. Then I worked for about two years. I started working with Migros in 1997. Virtual market is my project. Go to the Migros markets, and you will see our motorcycles the most in front of the Migros markets.". Ozan gave advice to the students and concluded his remarks.

Mehmet Karamollaoğlu: "The best examples come from China"

L'oreal General Manager Mehmet Karamollaoğlu said: "All the money is shifting to Asia right now. Despite geopolitical policies, there is a serious money flow to Asia. Companies are investing there. China used to be preferred only to keep the cost low. They are much more satisfied with the quality now. The best examples of trade and digital success always come from China. There are very hardworking, very educated and excellent teams there because the cost of production is low and the quality is satisfactorily high. The money is shifting here, and it will continue to do so.".

The event ended with a group photo shoot and plaque presentation.

Reporter: İlyas Dursun

Photography: İlyas Dursun / ÜNA

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)