With the simulation model, they will learn all the real birth scenarios...

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.12610

A new advanced technology training application has started for Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences the Department of Midwifery. Within the scope of the Scientific Research Project (BAP), the "Midwifery Laboratory Simulation Model" application was started in order for the students of the Midwifery Department to complete their education at a high standard. With this simulation, it is aimed that students receive education in conditions closest to reality with a model with human senses and increase their professional experience. Students will be able to study as close to reality as if they were caring for a normal patient, while measuring heart rate, heart sound monitoring, respiratory number control.

Prof. Güler Cimete: "Students will be able to experience all the situations that may occur during pregnancy and labor in the laboratory"

Faculty of Health Sciences Midwifery Department Head Prof. Güler Cimete, who made evaluations on the Midwifery Laboratory model simulation, stated that students can experience all no rmal and risky situations that may occur during pregnancy and labor in the laboratory environment thanks to the simulator. Cimete said: "Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Midwifery Department laboratory has been further enhanced with the newly purchased 'Enhanced Mother-Newborn Labor Simulator'. The students of the Department of Midwifery will have the opportunity to experience all normal and risky situations that may occur during pregnancy and delivery in the laboratory environment with the 'Enhanced Mother-Newborn Labor Simulator' with the advanced technological features newly added to their laboratories, and to gain intervention interventions and basic midwifery care skills.".

"On the model with features close to human, it can also perform fetal examination as well as pregnant woman"

Cimete informed about advanced technological planning and said that "The mother-newborn labor simulator will allow the student to observe all the normal and abnormal situations that may be encountered in women in the process of pregnancy, labor and postpartum in real life on the model with similar human characteristics and to perform the necessary midwifery interventions in the laboratory environment through the scenarios created (scenarios to be written and uploaded to the system by the instructors). The labor simulator with advanced technological features allows students to examine the fetal position as well as the vital signs of the pregnant woman on the model with near-human features (Leopold maneuvers) and thus determine the position and size of single or twin babies in the mother's womb. In addition to evaluating the suitability of the pelvic structure for delivery with vaginal examination, the simulation model also provides the opportunity to perform normal vaginal delivery, breech delivery, shoulder dystocia, placenta birth, episiotomy incision and repair, postpartum uterine massage and intervention in cord problems. With the new simulation model, students will be able to develop the ability to monitor the progress and rotations of the fetus in the birth canal as well as fetal distress states, changes in the life functions of the mother, and intervene in all abnormal situations including maternal resuscitation. The baby simulation model will enable students to learn all neonatal care applications, including neonatal resuscitation, in the laboratory environment.".

Research Assistant Ezgi Keskin: "Pulse, heart sound and respiratory number can be measured on the model..."

Department of Midwifery Research Assistant Ezgi Keskin, who shared in detail about the simulation model of the midwifery laboratory, underlined that the model created a hospital environment for the student in the laboratory environment. Keskin said: "This model was procured from the United States for the midwifery department within the scope of BAP (Scientific Research Project). Thanks to this model, we actually create a complete hospital environment for the student in the laboratory environment. All the senses of the model are the senses that are in a normal person, we can take a pulse, we can get a heart sound, we can get a breathing number, so that our student benefits from reality in the closest way to reality as if we were dealing with a normal patient.".

"Our goal is to provide our students with the conditions closest to the hospital environment"

Stating that their aim is to provide the students with the conditions closest to the hospital environment, Research Assistant Ezgi Keskin said that "In this way, our goal is that when they go to the clinic, they learn how to treat the patients and approach the patient in this way. The instructors direct the model from the computer to the back of the room. For example, the pain is given and the student learns how to approach a woman who is in pain, if the model needs to have pain at that moment. This is what the simulation room does. From there, the instructor can manage the model and program it as they want. They can put out the kind of game they want. In this way, the student learns to intervene. In this way, the student will not be excited by seeing the instructor and the instructor will be able to watch the student from behind the window."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)