Prof. Tarhan: "Adam moves from heaven, which is real life, to the simulative world"

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President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan participated in the "Psychology Talks from Existence to Searching for Meaning" program and made remarks on the fall of the first human being Adam from Heaven, the devil and man's mistakes. Pointing out that the life of the world is a simulation and the real life is heaven and hell, Tarhan said that quantum physicists have started to discuss this issue. Tarhan stated that "We are in a simulation in the world. Adam is moving from a real life to a simulated life. This universe is a simulation. Quantum scientists are debating the possibility of the universe being a simulation. They write that what we call matter is actually software, oscillation and vibration.".

"A person who seeks to find the truth is a developed person"

Expressing that there may be some invisible reasons other than the apparent reasons of the events that occur, Tarhan said that those who search for the truth can read the real reasons. Tarhan said that "There are unseen reasons behind the events that occur, there is no single reason for an event. On the contrary of other living beings, human beings are not limited to the visible, and they also have the ability to see the invisible. When analyzing events in a psychological dimension, in other words psychotherapy, we give more importance to invisible causes than to visible ones. We focus more on what a person does not tell rather than what they say. We try to read someone's outward behavior and feelings, not their behaviors that does not reflect onto the outside so that we make the right decisions, and we do not get misled and make wrong judgments in this way. An ability given to man by God that distinguishes a human being from other living beings; a man has the ability to hypothesize. These are called 'theory of mind' in psychology. For example, advanced autistic children cannot theorize about mind, they cannot produce assumptions and theories, they cannot think about the background of events, they cannot see why. A human being is an abstract thinking being. Only a person who thinks concretely and pursues bodily satisfaction is an undeveloped person. A person who thinks abstractly, who makes mental satisfaction, mental pursuit, mental interpretation or transcendent values, transcendent interpretations, is a developed person. A person who seeks to find the truth in this way is a developed person. For this reason, it is not the first ordinary reasons that seem to be people whose level of development has increased a lot in this century; we also need to analyze the second or even the third unseen causes.".

"It is not right to reduce the fall of Adam from Heaven to only an apple"

Tarhan emphasized to see the real wisdom behind the fall of Adam from Heaven and underlined the law of entropy in the world. Tarhan said that "In other words, there is no such thing as living without effort and tirelessness, there is no such reality. Nothing falls into one’ life. Life makes mature whether they want it or not. Let us talk about what wisdom can be deduced from the fall of the Prophet Adam from Paradise. Why is such a thing done, some of the human beings go to hell, what is the wisdom of this? In fact, as I just said, it is necessary to search for the invisible cause to find the meaning. It is not right to reduce the fall of Adam from Paradise to only an apple. Analyzing events with the five senses makes a person remain shallow. It is a very materialistic view to analyze with only five senses, whereas it is necessary to analyze the unseen causes behind the five senses. This is called wisdom. Unlike angels, Allah has given different tools to man. In other words, He gave wisdom, gave nafs (self), and even gave the potential to oppose Allah. Adam remains blunt with this potential while he is in Paradise. No bothering, for example, no labor pains, no sadness, everything positive is there. In the world, there is entropy, that is, opposites. If there is light, there is darkness, if there is hot, there is cold, and if there is good, there is evil because the world is created according to the dynamic balance of opposites.".

"Adam moves from paradise, which is the real life, to a simulated life"

Stating that Adam came to the simulated world from heaven, which is real life, Tarhan touched upon the studies of quantum physicists supporting this claim. Tai; "We're actually in a simulation in the world. Adam moves from real life to a simulated life. This is what we call the universe being a simulation. Indeed, quantum scientists are debating the possibility of the universe being a simulation. They write that what we call matter is actually software, oscillation and vibration. It was with these wisdoms that the Prophet Adam was sent to this world. Adam was given the potential to sin and later regretted his sin, however, he was removed from Paradise and paid the price. The apple there is just a symbol. All the pleasures that are meant by the apple. The apple represents all pleasures, including eating, drinking, and reproducing. Allah could have destroyed Satan as well, however, He gave him time until the Day of Judgment. Humans sin in a short life, they deny it; however, they remain in eternal hell. For example, a person who says they do not know them does not step aside, they go and violate someone else's rights. It is like, for example, they play in an orchestra and disrupt the orchestra... Universe is an orchestra and one is disrupting it. The creator of the universe must also take from all the rights of those whose rights one violated from that person. This is justice. Allah gives a grace period in this world, but He does not neglect it. He gave a grace period until death, but there was no negligence. It is all being written.".

"It is necessary to wash it with a prayer for forgiveness so that evil does not find its way in our body"

Stating that man is a being who can make mistakes, Tarhan pointed out that it is necessary to clean up with repentance and a prayer for forgiveness in order not to multiply these errors and mistakes. Tarhan stated that "We are human, it is not possible to be perfect. Even Adam made mistake. Thus, it is all about realizing it, putting ourselves in the mirror and developing self-consciousness in that mirror. To be able to recognize ourselves, to see our mistakes and to be able to do a nafs examination. When one does this, they strive to be one of the good ones. For this reason, this is justice. Sins are like viruses, bacteria. If you notice it when it enters the body and wash your hands, it does not progress. It does not interfere with the veins, but if you neglect it, nothing happens, it enters the vein. After that, it goes to the lymph nodes and spreads throughout the body. Therefore, realizing here is self-consciousness, it allows you to take immediate precautions. When the germ is infected with your hands, realizing it and washing your hands immediately means repentance. When you act in this way, mistakes and the evil cannot find a way for oneself. In order for evil not to find its way in our bodies, it is absolutely necessary to wash it with repentance and a prayer for forgiveness."

"There is wisdom in the creation of evil, there is a balance of good and evil in this world"

Referring to the wisdom of Allah's creation of evil, Tarhan highlighted the balance of good and evil in the world. Tarhan said: What is the wisdom of the Almighty that has created the evil of Devil? For example, you make a knife, what is the purpose of making that knife? Cutting bread, cutting meat, but there are also some consequences that the human cuts, kills someone... So, can you say that it is wrong to manufacture the knife at this time? In the same way, the devil was created, but if the creation of the devil before that is used in the right place, the devil will cause the discovery of the talents in a human. Even if you warn, it leads you astray, but the devil actually whips us up. Without the Devil, we would fall into carelessness. There are many benefits in the creation of fire. However, sometimes, if a person is harmed by fire as a result of misstep and abuse, he cannot say that the creation of fire is evil. This situation is referred to as the 'problem of evil'. Many people do not believe in God because of the creation of evil. They say that ‘if Allah wanted to prevent evil, He could have prevented it, and since He did not prevent it, He was either helpless or since He did not prevent it, I became an agnostic by saying that Allah is not a good being’. However, there is wisdom in Allah's creation of evil, and there is a balance between good and evil in this world. There is also the good part and the evil part within us. There is light and dark, there is hot and cold. If we do not cultivate our house and garden, weeds will cover it. That is why the world was created with such an order. If we are in this world, we need to respect this order.".

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)