Tarhan- İDER Foundation members met at the traditional iftar dinner

The board of directors and members of the Tarhan-İDER Foundation came together at the iftar dinner, which has become traditional. In the iftar program held at the Main Campus of Üsküdar University, foundation members had their iftars in a friendly atmosphere. The happiness of being able to come together for the 9th time in Ramadan was experienced.

Tarhan-İDER Foundation traditional iftar dinner meetings, which are held regularly every year, were held for the 9th time this year.

The iftar dinner was held under the chairmanship of President of Üsküdar University and President of Tarhan-İDER Foundation Prof. Nevzat Tarhan.

The iftar dinner held at the Main Campus of Üsküdar University was attended by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees A. Furkan Tarhan, the Advisor to the Rector Prof. Mehmet Zelka, the Vice Rector Prof. Hikmet Koçak, the Secretary General of Üsküdar University Selçuk Uysaler, the members of the foundation and their families.

"The 21st century will be a century in which humanity will be rebuilt"

President of the Foundation Prof. Tarhan, who made the opening remarks at the iftar invitation, said that "Today, as Üsküdar University, we hosted a very important conference. On the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the death of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, we held the ‘International Post-Materialist and Holistic Science Conference’. Very important figures in the field were with us. There was a project of Bediüzzaman. He had a project to open a university where religious sciences and natural sciences were together. Confirming his theoretical foundations, a movement called post-materialist began in the world, especially from America. Especially the materialism of scientists is bankrupt. It was an understanding that ignored religion. There is a manifesto about the beginning of its change, called post-materialist science, published jointly by professors at the University of Arizona and Columbia University in New York. We published it on our web page. We translated the book into Turkish and published it. It forms the scientific foundations of the synthesis of religion and science. The following understanding began to change in the world; 'If there is religion, there is no science, if there is science, there is no religion,' this was a very common understanding. That understanding is changing. Evidence that religion and science are complementary, not opposed, has increased. Therefore, the 21st century will be a century in which humanity will be rebuilt.".

"Everyone needs those basic ideas in the Risale-i Nur works"

Tarhan said, "We have a duty to bring children to the truth” and continued "Everyone needs those basic ideas in the Risale-i Nur works. Everyone, especially young people, needs to read them. Young people are in a serious danger from the influence of popular culture. They cannot find answers to the questions in their heads. When they cannot find it, traditional Islam does not answer, and when it does not, children are thrown away. For this reason, we have a duty, a responsibility to bring them to the truth. On this occasion, you will find tips about this in this conference. There were certainly good ideas there. If there are those who do not watch the conference, they can watch it on Üsküdar University YouTube. I recommend them to watch it.".

"The good times are getting closer..."

Tarhan, who mentioned that the visible world is much different, said that "The best answer to people who are against religion, people who do not know god, is to go to the path of persuasion. It is necessary to go to the evidence in the form of counter-evidence. The foundations for this began to form. Or rather, it is now becoming visible. It is not enough for us to know, it had to be accepted in the scientific world. Therefore, the good days have come closer. If we look at the TV or the news, we get demoralized, but the reality is not so. The world that seems is very different."

The program, which started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, ended with prayers.

International Post-Materialist and Holistic Science Conference Video:


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)