Child Development Education, Child Development
ORCID: 0000-0002-9454-7693
Research Fields
UN Sustainable Development Goal Labels Matching with Research Fields
Short CV
Dr. Nurper Ulkuer, is currently a Professor of Child Development at Uskudar University, Istanbul. Teaching Developmental Psychology, Child Rights and Protection, Educational Approaches, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Education Status & Academic Titles
Academic Activities > Publications
(Other Scientific Publications) Toplam: 1Academic Activities > Book - Book Chapter
(Book Citation Index'te Taranan) Toplam: 2- New Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, 2022.
- New Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, 2022.
Projects > Projects
- Voices of children affected by the Turkiye earthquake: A child-centered photovoice project, 2024.
- Voices of children affected by the Turkiye earthquake: A child-centered photovoice project, 2024.
- Child-Centered Photovoice Project: Seeing through the eyes of children affected by the 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye, 2024.
Academic Activities > Congress - Conference Participation
- EECERA, 2024.
- 32th EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Developing Sustainable Early Childhood Education Systems: Comparisons, Contexts and the Cognoscenti-ENGLAND, 2024.
- II. Uluslararası Temel Eğitim Kongresi (UTEK2019), 2019.
Administrative Activities
- Bölüm Başkanlığı / Head of Department, Çocuk Gelişimi, (2018 - Devam ediyor.)
- Kurul Üyeliği / Board Member, Fakülte Kurulu Üyeliği, (2018 - Devam ediyor.)
- Ana Bilim Başkanı / Head of Department, Çocuk Gelişimi, (2017 - Devam ediyor.)