Mehmet Kaan İLDİZ, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

(0216) 400 2222

Short CV

Mehmet Kaan İldiz completed his undergraduate education in occupational therapy at Üsküdar University, followed by his master's degree in health management and neuroscience. He also continued his doctorate education on neuroscience. Dr. İldiz's studies focus on the use of technology, neuroscientific approaches and rehabilitation techniques in occupational therapy practice. Throughout his academic career, he has carried out research on the effects of virtual reality applications on health, how three-dimensional printing technologies can be used in occupational therapy applications, and supporting motor skills, and has made national and international publications on these issues. Moreover, he has deepened his knowledge of neuroscience and health management, contributing to the development of innovative treatment methods in these areas. As a member of the professional organizations Occupational Therapy Association and AOTA, İldiz is actively interested in professional developments in the field of occupational therapy and follows innovations in the field. In this context, he takes part in multidisciplinary projects, taking into account the integration of neuroscientific approaches in occupational therapy and health management perspectives.

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