Assistant Professor


(0216) 400 2222 / 2316

ORCID: 0000-0002-8298-5784

Documents : 8 | Citation : 153 | h-index : 2

Citation : 351 | h-index : 5 | i10-index : 3

Research Fields

youth studies, social identity, social perception, health psychology, psychological well-being.

Short CV

Ebru Morgül Memon graduated from Istanbul University, Department of Psychology, in 1997. She completed her Master's degree in Clinical and Counselling Psychology in 2007 and her Ph.D. in Psychology in 2016, at the International Islamic University Malaysia. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology (English), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.Her research interests include youth studies, social identity, social perception, health psychology, psychological well-being, and qualitative research.

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Education Status & Academic Titles


Undergraduate Degree

İstanbul Üniversitesi Psikoloji


Master Degree

International Islamic University Malaysia Master of Human Sciences (Clinical and Counseling Psychology



International Islamic University Malaysia Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology)

Academic Activities > Publications

(Scopus) Toplam: 1

Academic Activities > Book - Book Chapter

(Other) Toplam: 1
  1. İnaç krizleri ve dini kimlik dönüşümü, Ebru Morgul, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2023

Administrative Activities

  1. Komisyon Üyesi / Member of Commission, Eğitim Komisyonu (Enstitü / Fakülte / MYO), (2024 - Devam ediyor.)
  2. Komisyon Üyesi / Member of Commission, Akademik Çalışmalar ve Süreçler Komisyonu, (2024 - Devam ediyor.)