

PsikoHayat is a free, current publication of Üsküdar University, available to everyone. All publication costs are sponsored by Üsküdar University Publications and the Humanitarian Values and Mental Health Foundation. Every issue of PsikoHayat has different researches, comments, column, exclusive interviews under a special topic title and apart from articles, news about Üsküdar University are presented to the readers.

PsikoHayat journal which aims to share all the information about psychiatry and discuss the topics and innovations presented in congresses and important developments, is released as a free publication of the foundation in 3-month periods.
Journal published by the Humanitarian Values and Mental Health Foundation free of charge for the sake of social responsibility. The journal is sent to national and state schools of all parts of Turkey to their school counselors via mail for free from the foundation. As the journal is being sent to governorship and sub-governorship as well as the counselors of offices of muftis and offices of guidance for free. 
In the fields of psychiatry, psychology, neurology and brain research, the journal literary style, which features important translation reports on the pages, draws attention and is easy to understand.



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