Prof. Tarhan: "NGOs will not only provide services, but also provide pioneer, value-creating and advocacy roles..."


President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan gave the opening conference on 'The Importance of Team Spirit in Non-Governmental Organizations' at the opening of the NGOs at the University Project. Tarhan stated that "This is what Türkiye needs. Without the warm relationship between people, without unity, it is not possible to raise a strong voice against the world. There can be no unity outside, there cannot be unity inside.”

Prof. Tarhan said: "NGOs will not only provide service, but also provide pioneering, value-creating and advocacy roles. NGOs will become brands and set an example for Türkiye."

The opening of the 'NGOs at the University Project', supported by the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Civil Society Relations, was held at the Ibni Sina Auditorium of Üsküdar University NP Health Campus.

The opening speeches were delivered by Project Cycle Consultant Asst. Prof. Nebiye Yaşar, Deputy Project Coordinator Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dilara Demiröz, Amasya Federation of Associations (ADEF) President Turan Sayar, Black Sea Confederation of Non-Governmental Organizations (KASTOB) President Nevzat Duyar, IMM Non-Governmental Organizations Relations Branch Manager Vedat Kara and former Mayor of Amasya Mehmet Sarı.

"We want to reach 3 thousand NGOs with this project"

Project Cycle Consultant Asst. Prof. Nebiye Yaşar stated that they believe in the power of civil society and said that the project also expresses the power of civil society on behalf of the country. Yaşar also stated that KASTOB, of which ADEF is a part, has 2 million members and said that "We want to reach 3 thousand NGOs with this project."

Referring to the Haydi Tut Elimi Association (Hold My Hand Association), which was established by Prof. Nevzat Tarhan within the university, Yaşar stated that "We are moving forward with young people. We are also empowering civil society with young people."

Stating that they established the Silent Kindness Platform and invited NGOs to this platform, Yaşar noted that after the February 6 earthquakes, KASTOB immediately organized and showed the power of civil society and ensured the construction of 176 prefabricated houses. Yaşar said that "Why not brand NGOs?"

The project will last for 12 months

Assistant Project Coordinator Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dilara Demiröz said that the project will last for 12 months. Demiröz explained that the aim of the project is to increase the effectiveness of non-governmental organizations, to create a model for increasing the quality of service with the principles of transparency, accountability, participation, and to contribute to the branding and institutionalization of NGOs and to become 'Brand NGOs'.

"We will change the fate of civil society organizations in Türkiye"

President of the Federation of Amasya Associations (ADEF) Turan Sayar pointed out the importance of institutionalization and branding and said that "We will change the fate of non-governmental organizations in Türkiye."

Explaining that an NGO, a federation and a university have made a partnership agreement and that the work has started, Sayar stated that "Türkiye now has to enter the process of change" in order not to be one of the consuming associations.

176 prefabricated houses completed in Hatay

President of the Confederation of Black Sea Non-Governmental Organizations (KASTOB) Nevzat Duyar stated that they were here on behalf of 24 federations and said that 176 prefabricated houses were completed in Hatay and these houses were given to the appointed teachers by AFAD.

There are nearly 32 thousand NGOs in İstanbul

IMM Non-Governmental Organizations Relations Branch Manager Vedat Kara stated that there are nearly 32 thousand NGOs in İstanbul and said that "This project is an admirable project."

'Are there qualified NGOs?' Noting that they are pursuing the issue, Kara said that local governments should work with NGOs to reach those in need. Pointing out the importance of joint work with universities, Kara stated that "We are ready to stand in solidarity with both NGOs and universities."

The constitution of associations...

Referring to the project, the former Mayor of Amasya Mehmet Sarı said that "You have prepared the constitution of the associations." Noting that associations will be remembered before the elections, Sarı said that associations should not engage with political parties. Sarı emphasized the importance of Amasya Circular in the War of Independence.

Amasya Circular gave a great morale to Anatolia

President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan also gave the opening conference on 'The Importance of Team Spirit in Non-Governmental Organizations'.

In the program attended by NGO members from different cities of Türkiye, Prof. Tarhan referred to the phrase 'The independence of the nation will be saved by the determination and decision of the nation' in Amasya Circular, and reminded that Amasya served as a keystone in the War of Independence and that this phrase gave a great morale to Anatolia at that time. Stating that these projects were possible thanks to them, Tarhan said: "Gazans are currently waging the same War of Independence. Like the Kuvayi Milliye movement, they are experiencing similar problems to the days of the War of Independence. May Allah grant them effort and patience."

NGOs should be partners of the government

Stating that in the 1990s, a job description was given to NGOs by the UN and it was said that NGOs should be partners of the government, Tarhan emphasized the importance of organizing in order to avoid this drift, and that when there is individualization, lobbies rule the world and the majority are drifted.

Teamwork is the skill of the 21st century...

Tarhan stated that "Dedication and volunteerism are important in these projects," and said that it is important for public institutions that cooperate with the society to work as a team with NGOs, and that teamwork is important in the 21st century.

Emphasizing the importance of teamwork and group intelligence, Tarhan drew attention to the importance of institutionalizing NGOs and breaking the mold by activating the hidden power.

Pointing out that it is necessary to use different methods while doing something, Tarhan stated that innovation requires mental labor.

"Adam's apple, Newton's apple, and Apple's apple. And the Amasya apple..."

Explaining the process of Newton's discovery of gravity in his speech, Prof. Tarhan said that "3 apples changed the history of humanity. Adam's apple, Newton's apple, and Apple's apple. And the Amasya apple..."

Explaining that the phrase 'ironing the head' (figuratively meaning nagging) came from Amasya, and that the center where the mentally ill were healed with the sounds of water was also in Amasya at the time, Tarhan said that depression was treated by keeping the head warm at that time.

Different worldview, same goal, similar movement!

Noting that teamwork is very important in projects, Tarhan said that "The harmony of the team is also required in teamwork. Team members need consistency. It is important for people with different worldviews and political views to act similarly for the same purpose." Drawing attention to the importance of unity of goal and method, and the necessity of bringing together people with different views for the same purpose, Tarhan stated that "This is what Türkiye needs. Without the warm relationship between people, without unity, how strong a voice we can raise against the world. There can be no unity outside without unity inside.”

There must be national goals

Stating that there should be national goals, Tarhan noted that even if there are discussions, it will be easy to reconcile when the goal is common. Explaining that 4 mottos were determined when the university was established, these were criticism, libertarianism, pluralism and participation, Tarhan stated that people with a high sense of control cannot work in a team.

Stating that it is essential for people to trust their teammates, Tarhan said that "trust is essential, doubt is the exception" in such studies.

This project will be a yeast...

Stating that social responsibility projects are projects supported by the UN, Tarhan stated that charity is also in our culture. Tarhan said that "This project will be a yeast. There will be more beautiful projects after that. It is valuable for the Ministry of Interior to embrace this project. As a university, we will carry out the project in accordance with the project cycle. Openly, transparently. It is one year-long project. We want to build a brand at the end of the project. NGOs will be provided not only with service delivery but also with pioneering, value-creating and advocacy roles. NGOs will become brands and set an example for Türkiye."

Noting that associations have great duties for social peace, Tarhan added that NGOs go with scientific sound in accordance with their philosophy.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan was presented with a plaque by ADEF President Turan Sayar for his contributions to earthquake projects. In the program, after the presentation of plaques to the project managers and executives, a group photo was taken.

TRT artist also performed...

The program ended with a music concert by TRT Artist Ferhat Durmuş.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)