The need for Cyber Security experts will increase

Information technologies used in all areas of life bring security problems along. Cyber security experts, who play an important role in overcoming security problems, are critical in ensuring information security. Üsküdar University Cyber Security Master’s Program aims to train well-equipped experts in this field.

The Cyber Security Graduate Program, which was opened within the Institute of Sciences at Üsküdar University, has started accepting students.

Üsküdar University Institute for Sciences, Head of Cyber Security Master’s Program Prof. İsmail Avcıbaş stated broad information about the program and experts in the field of cyber security will become an important asset for institutions, companies and states.
Avcıbaş said; “İndividuals, institutions, organizations and societies that use these technologies are at risk given the use of information technologies as a target and a tool by criminals, Malicious people who infiltrate computer systems cause great damage to corporations and companies. Experts in the field of cyber security have become an important requirement for both institutions and commercial companies as well as governments.”

Prof. İsmail Avcıbaş noted that the Department of Cyber Security Master's Program in English and in Turkish are aimed to train the cyber security experts who gained the ability to follow the developments in the field simultaneously with the world given their theoretical and technological knowledge and equipment related to the field. Prof. Avcıbaş noted that graduates of undergraduate programs that accept students of Equal Weighted and Numerical Weighted points in the university exam can apply to the program.

Scientific preparation program is applied when necessary

If necessary, the Scientific Preparation Program will be implemented within the scope of the Cyber Security Graduate Program. In the Scientific Preparatory Program, there are courses such as Discrete Mathematics, Introduction to Algorithm and Programming, Operating Systems, and Data Structures that prepare the students for their field courses.

After the scientific preparation, elective courses including “Cyber Systems and Information Security”, “Introduction to Cryptography”, “Network Security”, “Application Security” as well as “Cyber Attack Techniques”, “Malware Analysis and Detection”, “Crypto Money Technologies”, “Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security” are given.

There are three elective courses in the Master's Program with Thesis and six elective courses in the Master's Program without Thesis.

Graduates of the Master's Program in Cyber Security have the opportunity to work in a wide range of fields. Graduates of Üsküdar University Cyber Security Graduate Program will be able to work in public and private sectors such as information security specialist, secure software specialist, information security analyst, network security specialist, penetration testing specialist, vulnerability analyst, malware analyst, information security manager. Graduates who wish to pursue a career as a researcher or academician in cyber security will be able to continue their doctoral studies in cyber security, computer engineering or other related fields.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)