OHS Doctoral Program gave its first graduate

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.41083

Üsküdar University, which carries out important academic studies in Türkiye, is also achieving significant successes in the field of OHS. Continuing their education in the fields of associate, bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs in the field of OHS, it gave its first doctoral graduate in doctoral education. The Occupational Health and Safety Program graduated its first doctoral student.

Üsküdar University, which is the pioneer of the firsts in Türkiye in the field of OHS, has achieved another first.

Graduate School of Health Sciences Occupational Health and Safety Doctoral Program gave its first graduate.

Nagihan Ersoy, one of the doctoral students of the Occupational Health and Safety Program, completed her education successfully.

Asst. Prof. Ersoy, who successfully defended her doctoral thesis on "Occupational Health and Safety Performance Measurement in Thermal Power Plants" supervised by Nuri Bingöl, graduated.

Prof. İsmail Ekmekçi (Istanbul Commerce University), Prof. Alpaslan Kuzucuoğlu (Medeniyet University), Prof. Mehmet Savsar, Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan, Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl, Asst. Prof. Hacer Kayhan were in the doctoral jury.



Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)