About Health, Culture and Sports

Health, Culture and Sports Directorate aim to enable students to participate in social, cultural and sporting activities, support the activities of clubs, organize sporting events in the University and between other universities, our primary aim is to ensure that our students participate in organized sports and cultural events. The student clubs of our University carry out their work with the support and control of the Health, Culture and Sports Directorate. Our Directorate is a totally student-focused unit where students can take on a guiding and regulatory role in all kinds of activities, as well as convey student wishes and complaints through the Solution Center.

Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports supervises all kinds of student activities, provide them with the necessary support possible. Provides healthy execution of student Council elections, supervises the student council's work and gives the council the necessary support.

It organizes events such as panels, interviews, conferences, etc by inviting the industry's leading organizations and executives to the University. It also supports the participation of our students in the scientific activities or events held by other universities.


Deputy Director of Health, Culture and Sports

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  • About