Fatma ALADAĞ, (Part Time)

FHSS / History / Lecturer (Part Time)


(0216) 400 2222

Short CV

Aladağ completed her thesis in the History program of the university with the thesis "Cities and Administrative Divisions of the Ottoman Empire in the Early 16th Century: A Case Study for the Application of Digital History to Ottoman Studies". Having completed her doctoral degree at Universität Leipzig, Germany, Aladağ examined the street and architectural building networks of late 19th century Istanbul with Space Syntax analysis in her thesis. She has various academic publications within the scope of these studies. Aladağ worked as an internship and research assistant at Freie Universität Berlin and Oxford University, and she has worked as a researcher and project coordinator in the fields of digital mapping, digitalization, web and database design in various digital humanities and cultural heritage projects. Working on Ottoman archives, Aladağ specializes in artificial intelligence-supported automatic text identification, automatic transcription with the TRANSKRIBUS platform and Ottoman text coding with TEI. Her main research interests include digital humanities, urban history, digital history, Ottoman history, and text analysis with NLP. Aladağ is also the founder and coordinator of the Digital Ottoman Studies Platform (www.digitalottomanstudies.com

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