Dilek Batur was born in Ankara in 1966. She spent her prımary school years studyıng at Alexander Park School-London, and TED Ankara College. Later she obtaıned her hıgh school educatıon from MEV Toros College. In 1983, she began her University education at Marmara University in the English Language and Literature Department. She received her MA from Yeditepe University for two different subjects: Post Colonial Studies and British Drama. Her thesis topic was “Evolution of the Concept of Heaven in the Literary texts of the Gilgamesh Epic, the Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost”.
In her career she has given speeches in various ELT seminars as well as other fields, and has been working as a Teacher Trainer for more than 25 years. She is one of the founders of Turkey TESOL. She has been awarded a multitude of certificates and qualifications whıch include ITI Testing and Evaluation Certificate, TESOL Certificate, TEFL Certificate, and CELTA Certificate. For 13 years she has been working as a manager for the accreditation processes of several university preparatory departments. She has written six books related to ELT and has worked at several universities as both Coordinator and Director.
Since 2019 she has been working at Üsküdar University as the Director of Foreign Languages.
Short CV
Education Status & Academic Titles
Administrative Activities
- Koordinatör / Coordinator, Yabancı Diller Kurum Koordinatörlüğü, (2019 - Devam ediyor.)