Dilara ALOĞLU,

VSHS / Pharmacy Services


(0216) 633 0 633

Short CV

Born in Alanya, 1990. She graduated from Alanya Lisesi in 2007 and later on from Psychology Department of Maltepe University in 2012, and from Clinical Psychology Department of Üsküdar University in 2014. During her undergraduate studies, she was involved in many academic research and social responsibility projects. She was involved in the social responsibility projects such as “Parental Attitudes Study” in the Mother and Child Health Section Living Center and “Trauma and Child Psychology Studies” at the Fenerbahçe Çeçen Camp. The thesis was on “Craving in the Cannabis Dependent Individuals; Is it anxiety-welded or alexithymium-welded?”. During her studies she had an internship at Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Hospital of Istanbul University. After completing her undergraduate education, she gave education and psychotherapy services for families of mentally and physically handicapped children in special education center for one year. In 2012, she received 36 hours of theoretical training in “Imago Family and Couple Therapy”. She received 392 hours 'Psychodrama' training given by Yıldız Burkovik in 2013 and 'Cognitive Behavioral Therapy' given by Hakan Türkçapar in 2014. He has completed the 'Wisc-r Intelligence Test' for children given by PADEM. “The Rorschach Projective Tests” which she started in September, is ongoing. Since December 2013, she has been working as a Psychologist at NPISTANBUL Hospital.

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