Assistant Professor

(0216) 400 2222 3054

ORCID: 0009-0001-2740-1280

Short CV

Asst. Prof. Asım SAVLU was born in İstanbul, 1960. He completed his undergraduate education in Gazi Faculty of Medicine in 1985. Later, he completed his medical specialty in Marmara University Department of Histology and Embryology. Nowadays, Asım SAVLU works as Assistant Professor in Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology.

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Education Status & Academic Titles

Education and Training Activities

  1. Medical Committee Courses (Com 2B), (Undergraduate Degree / 2022-2023 Bahar)
  2. Medical Committee Courses (Committee 1B), (Undergraduate Degree / 2022-2023 Bahar)
  3. Medical Skills and First Aid, (Undergraduate Degree / 2022-2023 Güz)
  4. Medical Committee Courses (Com 2A), (Undergraduate Degree / 2022-2023 Güz)
  5. Medical Committee Courses (Com 1A), (Undergraduate Degree / 2022-2023 Güz)