Ahmet ÖZHAN,

Institute for Sufi Studies


(0216) 400 2222

Short CV

Ahmet Özhan, granted as a State Artist by Turkish government, was born in August 26th, 1950 in Urfa, where his father, Nazmi Bey, was in official duty. His family is originally from Rumelia (southern Balkans today). Upon completing his music education in Istanbul Municipal Conservatory and Uskudar Music Society, he started his professional music career in 1968. He took lessons from the prominent masters of their time, and in addition to his musical recordings, he has also made appearances in TV series, movies and concerts. Additionally, he worked as special correspondent, programmer and director for some TV shows. He was a singer for Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) between the years of 1981 and 1991. Numerous 45 records, longplays, tapes and CDs consist of songs and hymns sung by Özhan have been released. In addition to contemporary and classical Turkish music, Özhan, with the knowledge and experience he acquired through the Foundation of Research and Sustenance of Turkish Sufi Music and Folklore, which he initiated into in 1974, first introduced Sufi music to a broader audience by taking it to the stage and performed it in accordance with the original since the early 80s and thus became the pioneer of a new trend in his country. He has been participated in Shab-e-Arus ceremonies held in Konya every year since 1980 until today. He not only contibuted to the formation of  Istanbul Historical Turkish Music Ensemble founded by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 1991, but also served there as the Artistic Director of the Ensemble. Moreover, Özhan was worked as a an advisor of Turkish music for the Rectorate of Haliç University. In 1998, he was granted with the honorary title of State Artist. With his initiation, a program called “Certificate for Adhan and Recitation of the Qur’an” was established in cooperation with the Office of Grand Mufti of Istanbul and the Turkish Music Conservatory in Haliç University, contributed to the improvement of the various styles of recitation of the Qur’an and adhan for the religious officials. Özhan was awarded Honarary Doctorates by Çanakkale 18 Mart University in 2013 and Konya Necmeddin Erbakan University in 2015, and has two children named Özgül and Özcan.

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