Graduate School Of Science - Uskudar University Main Principles


The mission of the Granduate School is to raise the postgraduates within the graduate-school as individuals who are able to perceive the developments in science and technology, who are specialized in their profession, who are open to national and international competitions, who can use the information they have acquired in their academic life, practice and other fields. For this aim, the Granduate School is responsible; to create a dynamic postgraduate program to increase the number of high standardized students from domestic and foreign sources, to promote interdisciplinary research activities by giving importance to basic and applied researches and to encourage researches that will help solve the problems of applying by developing coordination between university and industry and other sectors. Additionally, it is obliged to create a suitable environment by taking the precautions for lifting the obstacles could be present or to be.


Vision of our Graduate School of Sciences is to be a respected institution which is preferred by students who believe that they will improve the life quality with vocational education they receive; graduates of which are who have an outstanding place in the field of education which they receive; which raises qualified scientists with the education programs carried out within the graduate-school, and which contributes to the increase in the scientific and technological research by supporting them at the national and international level. Education and training methods based on research are applied, which continue to provide education and training programs at the postgraduation level according to today’s requirements and foresights of the future and apply the methods by keeping them up-to-date. By giving importance to university-industry-institution-organization cooperation in scientific research activities; the Granduate School prepares an environment for the development and dissemination of national and international innovations.

Foundation and Aim

Üsküdar University, Graduate School of Sciences have started to be in service since 2013. Our graduate-school aims at raising scientist who will have a career in the academic world and people who will have enough competence and skills according to the changing conditions of the world. In this respect, we aim to include all dynamic and innovative candidates who want to have qualifications that will make them successful in any part of the world, to the education-training process.

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