Bioinformatics (Thesis) Master's Degree - About


Technological developments in recent years have brought a new perspective to life sciences and made biology a data-centered science. From this point of view, Bioinformatics has evolved from an interdisciplinary field and has become an important research and development discipline on its own. Bioinformatics aims to investigate especially molecular biological systems using informatics methods. Examining the enormous amounts of data obtained by new technologies sheds light on understanding the unknown aspects of life, improving the quality of life, finding remedies for important diseases, and drug design. Analyzing the large-scale data obtained and drawing conclusions is one of the most important and challenging tasks in the field of Bioinformatics. Therefore, Bioinformatics aims to better understand biological systems by researching and analyzing large-scale data produced by technology using computer methods.

Yüksek Lisans Derecesi Alabilmek için Gerekli Olan Toplam Kredi Sayısı ile Alınması Gereken Zorunlu ve Seçmeli Dersler

Bioinformatics graduates can find employment in all healthcare-related fields, industries and academia. Especially pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies increasingly need bioinformatics graduates. For this purpose, a wide-ranging curriculum has been created so that students in the master's program can choose the compulsory courses to learn the basic information and the elective courses that are suitable for the Bioinformatics sub-fields that they want to study, so that they can acquire the information about the field completely.

Total Number of Credits Required to Obtain a Master's Degree and Required and Elective Courses to be Taken

The master's program with thesis consists of at least 7 courses, 1 seminar course and thesis, with a total of not less than 21 credits. Seminar course and thesis work are non-credit and evaluated as successful or unsuccessful. A master's program with thesis consists of at least 8 courses, including the seminar course, and a total of at least 120 ECTS credits, provided that it is not less than 60 ECTS credits in one academic term. The student has to register for the thesis period of each semester, starting from the semester following the appointment of the advisor at the latest. At most two of the courses to be taken by the student can be selected from the undergraduate courses, provided that they were not taken during the undergraduate education.

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