Graduate School Of Science - Uskudar University Institutional


1. About us

Postgraduate education in the Graduate School of Sciences, in line with the aims and principles of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, was prepared in accordance with the provisions of the "Organization and Operation Regulation of Graduate Education Granduate Schools" and "Graduate Education Regulations", and is carried out within the framework of the “Üsküdar University Postgraduate Education and Examination Regulations” published in the Official Gazette dated 08.01.2014 and numbered 28876.

The Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences consists of a total of 29 programs, 16 with thesis and 13 without thesis.

Within the Graduate School of Sciences;

Artificial Intelligence Engineering Master's Degree

Bioengineering (English) Master's Degree

Bioengineering Master's Degree

Bioinformatics (Thesis) Master's Degree

Biotechnology Master's Degree

Chemical Engineering (English) Master's Degree

Chemical Engineering (Thesis) Master's Degree

Computer Engineering (English) Master's Degree

Computer Engineering Master's Degree

Cyber Security (English) Master's Degree

Cyber Security Master's Degree

Electrical and Electronics Engineering (English) Master’s Program

Engineering Management (English) Master's Degree

Engineering Management (Thesis) Master's Degree

Molecular Biology (English) Master's Degree

Molecular Biology Master's Degree

2. Development

2.1. Faculty Management

Prof. Mesut KARAHAN (Director)

Assist. Prof. Nuri BİNGÖL (Vice Director)

Assist. Prof. Öznur Özge ÖZCAN (Vice Director)

Hülya DÜNDAR (Faculty andGranduate School Secretary)

2.2 Granduate School Board

Prof. Mesut KARAHANGranduate School Director/ President

Assist. Prof. Nuri BİNGÖL
Granduate School Vice Director/ Member

Prof. Dr. Muhsin KONUKHead of Department of Molecular Biology (TR- ENG)

Prof. Dr. Tunç ÇATALHead of Department of Biotechnology

Prof. Dr. Burhan PEKTAŞHead of Department of Computer Engineering (TR-ENG)

Prof. Dr. Selim ŞEKERHead of Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ENG)

Prof. Dr. Mehmet SAVSARHead of Department of Engineering Management

Assoc. Prof. Vildan ENİSĞLU ATALAYHead of Department of Bioinformatics

Assist. Prof. Ahmet ŞENOLHead of Department Cybersecurity (TR-ENG)

Assist. Prof. Tuğba BALHead of Department of Bioengineering (TR-ENG)

Assist. Prof. Nuri BİNGÖLHead of Department of Artificial Intelligence Engineering

Assist Prof.Mert Mehmet OYMAKHead of Department of Chemical Engineering

Hülya DÜNDARGranduate School Secretary/Rapporteur

2.3 Institute Board of Directors

Prof. Mesut KARAHANGranduate School Director/ President

Assist. Prof. Nuri BİNGÖLVice Granduate School Director/ Member

Assoc. Prof. Emel SERDAROĞLU KAŞIKÇIMember

Assist. Prof. Ahmet ŞENOLMember

Assist. Prof. Hasan ÇİÇEKMember

Hülya DÜNDARGranduate School Secretary/Rapporteur

2.4 Quality Commisson


Commission Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Dr. Öznur Özge ÖZCAN

Member: Prof. Dr. Burhan Pektaş (Computer Engineering)

Member: Asst. Prof. Dr. Betül Gürünlü, Asst. Prof. Dr. İmran Göker (Bioengineering)

Member: Assist. Prof. Dr. Emel Serdaroğlu Kaşıkçı (Molecular Biology and Genetics (Turkish))

Member: İlknur Güzel (Quality Manager Assistant)

Rapporteur: Hülya DÜNDAR

2.5 Orpheus Study Commission

Prof. Mesut KARAHAN


2.6 Web Coordinators

Assoc. Prof. Mesut KARAHAN (Graduate School of Sciences Director)

Hülya DÜNDAR (Graduate School of Sciences Secretary)

2.7 Erasmus Coordinators


Assist. Prof. Nuri BİNGÖL
Prof. Dr. Burhan PEKTAŞ
Assist. Prof.Tuğba BAL
Prof.Dr. Şaban Selim ŞEKER
Prof. Dr. Mehmet SAVSAR
Prof. Dr. Tunç ÇATAL

Assist. Prof. Ahmet ŞENOL
Assist. Prof. Nuri BİNGÖL
Assist.Prof.Mert Mehmet OYMAK

2.8. Commissions


Commission Chairman: Dr. Lecturer Member Tuğba Bal

Commission Vice President: Dr. Lecturer Member Esma Ulusoy

Member: Dr. Lecturer Member. Zekai Genç, Dr. Lecturer Member Soner Kızıl (Forensic Sciences)

Member: Dr. Lecturer Member Fatih Temiz, Res. See. Mehmet Emin Geçer (Computer Engineering)

Member: Dr. Lecturer Member Tuğba Bal, Dr. Lecturer Member Handan Emişoğlu Külahlı, (Bioengineering)

Member: Dr. Lecturer Member Javad Jangi Golezani, Res. See. Enis Kranda (Electrical - Electronics Engineering)

Member: Dr. Lecturer Member Osman Murat Anlı; Dr. Member Orkun Kozanoğlu (Industrial Engineering)

Member: Dr. Lecturer Member Nigar Kantarcı Çarşıbaşı; Dr. Member Mert Mehmet Oymak (Chemical Engineering)

Member: Assoc. Dr. Vildan Enisoğlu Atalay, Res. See. Ayşegül Yanık İlgar (Molecular Biology and Genetics (Turkish))

Member: Prof. Dr. Sevim Işık; Dr. Member Çiğdem Sezer Zhmurov (Molecular Biology and Genetics (English))

Member: Dr. Lecturer Member Salim Jibrin Danbatta, Dr. Lecturer Member Belaynesh Biadgilin Chekol (Software Engineering)

Rapporteur: Res. See. Fatma Serra Çiftçi (Industrial Engineering)

Rapporteur: Res. See. Ayşegül Yanık İlgar (Molecular Biology and Genetics (Turkish))

Curriculum Preparation Commission

Prof. Dr. Mesut KARAHAN

Dr. Lecturer. Member Nuri BİNGÖL

Hülya DÜNDAR (Institute Secretary)

Aslı IŞIK (Student Affairs Representative)

Exam Program Preparation Commission

Prof. Dr. Burhan PEKTAS

 Dr. Lecturer. Member Nuri BİNGÖL

Strategic Plan Commission

Prof. Dr. Mesut KARAHAN

 Dr. Lecturer. Member Nuri BİNGÖL

Success Measurement and Evaluation Commission

Prof. Dr. Burhan PEKTAŞ (Commission Chairman)


Graduation Commission

Assoc. Dr. Emel SERDAROĞLU KASHIKÇI (President of the Commission)

Assoc. Dr. Muhammet Enis BULAK

Dr. Lecturer Member Tuğba BAL

Dr. Lecturer Member Mert Mehmet OYMAK


Strategic Objectives Strategic Goals (2024-2028)

Our Granduate School has set 12 strategic goals for itself by the Quality Commission, which was formed to achieve 4 main strategic goals.

Goal 1: Strengthening Education and Training

When structural analyzes of training programs are carried out; it has been observed that the number of courses per lecturer is high because the number of courses is too high although the number of lecturers is less than the number of courses in some programs, and the number of lecturers is sufficient in some programs. In addition, it has been observed that some of the elective courses of the graduate-school were not elected at all. It may be considered to benefit from lecturers in these fields who are paid hourly. Regarding the content of the education programs, the Graduate School of Sciences aims to strengthen the structure of its programs in accordance with the requirements of contemporary education. The courses opened for this purpose are also diversified in line with this objective.

Strategic Objective 1: 

Despite the variety of elective courses, the curriculum in the programs that include the courses that have not been opened will be improved and revised by the end of 2024. By communicating with the departments, the educational objectives of the programs, course structure, credit load, number of faculty members, student recruitment and thesis process will be evaluated and will be organized as a result of the studies.

Strategic Objective 2

Students should be able to freely use their right to choose courses according to their own orientation and to take courses from other programs. These studies are important for students to know their rights and responsibilities and to create a positive educational atmosphere within the institution. In this context, our students will be provided with the opportunity to benefit from the elective courses to be offered in other graduate-schools, and elective courses that can be given in other graduate-schools will be opened in our graduate-school in a way that will serve this purpose. In addition, consultancy interview reports will be prepared and consultancy activities will be monitored and recorded in order to carry out academic consultancy activities more effectively.

Strategic Objective 3: 

Within the scope of internationalization, it will be ensured that the experience gained through participation in European University Association programs and interactions such as Erasmus exchange programs will be transferred to the Granduate Schools practices.

Strategic Objective 4: 

Distance and continuous education activities will be increased within the scope of lifelong learning principle, and it is aimed to ensure this culture and development with the trainings given through the Continuing Education Center.

Goal 2: Developing Institutional Capacity

The main purpose of postgraduate education, and especially doctoral education, is to train scientists who can conduct research independently. Therefore, perhaps the most distinguishing feature of postgraduate education is that it is based on research and new knowledge generation above all else. In addition, it has set strategic goals in order to enable our students to benefit more from the research and development opportunities of the institution, to contribute to their research in its laboratories, and to make the entire capacity of the institution available at the graduate education level. Strategic targets have been set to enable our students to benefit from the entrepreneurship ecosystem, to contribute to the ideas they have with incubation centers and techno parks, and to the product development processes they think have added value.

Strategic Objective 1: 

In order to improve organizational functioning, human resources and corporate culture, all students will be given basic training on the thesis process. All students will be given seminars on thesis writing, scientific research, ethics and creativity within the graduate-school. A consultancy training program will be developed in order to improve the consultancy process and to guide the consultants. Within the framework of this program, guides to define institutional good practices and courses will be organized for faculty members who will just start counseling. Efforts will be made to benefit from EU resources and programs in this regard.

Strategic Objective 2: 

The thesis process will be controlled more efficiently in order to improve the functioning of the organization, develop human resources, and provide institutional and academic contribution. The role of the advisor in the thesis process will be defined in more detail. The quality of theses will be monitored through a measurable and traceable process. It is among our institutional goals to publish the results obtained from theses in journals scanned in international indexes. Surveys and evaluations will be made to evaluate the employment of graduates and their satisfaction in business life

Strategic Objective 3: 

Entrepreneurship trainings will be provided to help our graduate students and graduates with their sectoral orientation, and also by organizing meetings with sector representatives, sectoral orientation of external stakeholders. A guidance will be provided during their processes.

Goal 3: Developing Internationalization

In the Graduate School of Sciences, courses within the disciplinary are generally preferred. This causes an education to be introverted and prevents us as from development. Therefore, the Granduate School aims to disseminate practices that encourage change, such as taking courses between programs and from other graduate-schools, and increasing the rate of elective courses. It is of great importance to develop relations with international education institutions as a way of providing information about the outside world and opening up.

In this framework, it is aimed to increase the number of international students at the Granduate School and the number of students participating in student exchange. We think that the increase in the activities of the Departments within the Granduate School for cooperation within the national and international arena will greatly contribute to the creation of an education and research environment where diversity and multiculturalism are dominant.

Strategic Objective 1: 

In order to increase the international experience of students and staff, the number of courses taken and given from other graduate-schools and between programs will be increased and the number of joint projects will be increased. For this purpose, activities such as mutual visits, exchange of lecturers will be held to increase the cooperation of the Granduate School with domestic and foreign equivalent institutions. Policies will be developed for the use of European Union resources.

Strategic Objective2:

 In order to create a multicultural and international campus environment, postgraduate education programs will be established in English, where foreign students will be admitted and who will teach entirely.

Strategic Objective 3: 

Participation in exchange programs such as Erasmus will be increased in order to increase the international quality of education. In this framework, in addition to the activities specified in the 1st and 2nd strategic objectives, the preparation of the Granduate School catalog in Turkish and English will be completed, works on ECTS crediting of the courses and the implementation of exchange programs in the thesis period will be carried out. The Granduate School will be guiding and encouraging in making these changes, which are largely under the initiative of the Departments. For this purpose, a joint coordination will be carried out with the international office. Personnel will be encouraged to participate in university language courses in order to increase the foreign language knowledge of the personnel in the development of the Granduate Schools human resources and in order to provide foreign language support. In addition, the announcements and news areas on our graduate-school website will be used more actively and frequently, and will also be shared in English.

Goal 4: Strengthening Cooperation between the University and its Stakeholders

It is of critical importance for the development of products with strategic and economic value for our country, especially with the developing technology in the field of Sciences for our ideal of producing value-added products, which is also essential in the 10th development plan. Studies carried out on a global scale within this field in the sector, in academy and abroad have once again demonstrated the importance of external stakeholders. For this purpose, the focus has been on the following 2 main objectives.

Strategic Objective 1: 

In order to ensure a cooperation culture, external stakeholders will give seminars at certain periods under the title of sectoral meetings within the framework of cooperation with universities, private sector, public institutions and NGOs, and to ensure that the needs of the sector and the goals of the academy overlap, and that the curriculum is aimed to be revised accordingly.

Strategic Objective 2:

In order to strengthen the infrastructure related to externally supported projects, our students will be provided with trainings to inform and guide them about the support programs announced by the Science Fellowships and Grant Programs (BIDEB) and they will be able to apply for these supports.

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