Chemical Engineering (English) Master's Degree - Course Content



CHE500 Seminar

A series of lectures in cyber security is given by faculty or outside speakers.

CHE 515 Advanced Thermodynamics

Reactions and Phase Equilibrium. Solution Thermodynamics. Thermodynamic analysis of processes. Introduction to statistical thermodynamics.

CHE 530 Advanced Reaction Engineering 

Batch and Ideal Flow Reactors. Semi-Batch Reactors. Solid-Gas Phase Catalytic Reactor Design. Microkinetic Analysis of solid-gas reactions at particle level.

CHE 531 Catalysis

Conservation laws in heterogeneous systems. Effectiveness factor and application to heterogeneous catalytic reactor design. Catalysis principles and mechanism; surface chemistry and surface structure. Physical properties of porous catalyts, reaction mechanisms.

CHE 532 Microreaction Engineering

Fundamental principles associated with different types of catalytic microreactors. Modeling, simulation and operation of microreactors. Microreactor design and construction techniques. Selected applications of microreactors in industrial processes.

CHE 533 Catalysis for Green Technologies

Environmentally benign catalytic production technologies for energy and materials. Catalysis for mobile and stationary power generation. Adsorbents for hydrogen storage. Catalysts and adsorbents for reduction and prevention of greenhouse gas emissions: methane conversion, carbon dioxide utilization and sequestration.

CHE 540 Petroleum Refinery Engineering 
General structure of refinery operations, physical and chemical petroleum refining processes. Application of chemical engineering principles to petroleum processing methods and equipment.

CHE 541 Natural Gas Engineering                                                                                     

Characterization and properties of natural gas. Gas gathering systems. Gas-oil multistage separation. Gas treatment and liquefaction. Gas transportation through pipelines, signal-telemetering Industrial usages.

CHE 542 Petrochemical Technology                                                                                  

Production technologies of synthesis gas, olefins and aromatic. Manufacture of important petrochemicals derived from base chemicals and synthesis gas. Production technologies of important polymers and plastics.

CHE 545 Transport Phenomena

Analytical and approximate solutions to mass, momentum and energy transport equations in one direction.

CHE 546 Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Tensor algebra; continuum hypothesis; continuity and momentum equations; Lagrangian and Eulerian approach; ideal and potential flows; Navier - Stokes equation; exact and approximate solutions; creeping flow; laminar and turbulent boundary layer theory; lubrication theory.

CHE 548 Membrane Processes 
Membrane concept. Membrane separations and applications in biotechnology. Membrane preparation techniques, applications of membranes in stream purification in product recovery and in industrial wastewater treatment.

CHE 560 Chemical Engineering Mathematics

Macroscopic balances. Elementary formulation of physical problems. Laplace transform applications. Applications of partial differential equations. Matrices and their applications. Vectors and tensors. Coordinate systems. Application of these methods to chemical engineering problems.

CHE 561 Modeling and Simulation of Chemical and Biological Processes

Modeling concepts and tools for chemical systems. Steady state and transient modeling and simulation. MATLAB based case studies. Selected topics from the curriculum such as reaction stoichiometry, kinetics modeling, reactors, equation of state, phase equilibria, staged operations, fluxes, diffusion and convection, parameter estimation.

CHE 570 Paint Technology

Basic principles of colour and its structure. Dyes and pigments widely used in the industry. Technology of oil and water based paints and their constituents. Formulations and testing methods.

CHE 571 Molecular Thermodynamics In Polymeric And Biological Systems

Principles of statistical thermodynamics. The stable states of macromolecules. Molecular interactions. Diffusion, reaction kinetics and electrostatic properties related to biomolecular and polymeric systems. Cooperativity and binding. Applications of principles of statistical thermodynamics to biological systems and polymers using simple models.

CHE 572 Polymer Processing Principles, Applications and Modeling

Categories of polymeric materials. Morphology and structuring of polymers; surface properties. Analysis of polymer processing operations such as injection moulding, extrusion, calendaring, coating, fiber spinning, tubular film blowing and mixing. Computer modeling and design of polymer processing machinery.Polymer applications in industry.

CHE 573 Conformational Statistics and Dynamics of Polymers

Structural and configurational properties of polymer chains. Random walk approach, freely jointed chain models. Rotational Isomeric State formalism. Stochastics of rotational motions, Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulations of real polymeric systems in solution and in the bulk state.

CHE 575 Chemistry and Manufacture of Cement

History of calcareous cements Portland cement: Classification and manufacture clinker and cement components and their phase relations. The constitution and specification of Portland cements. Manufacturing processes. Energy and material balances in rotary kiln. Relations between chemical reactions , phase content and strength of cement. Hydration of cement.

CHE 580 Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Modeling and simulations of biomolecular systems. Sequence-structure-dynamics and function paradigm in proteins. Bioinformatic approaches in sequence analysis and structure prediction. Computer modeling and engineering of protein-protein, protein-DNA and protein- drug binding interactions. Molecular aspects of biochemical and biophysical networks. The relationship between microscopic and macroscopic properties of biological systems.

CHE 581 Drug Design

Drug design consists of identifying a target (DNA, RNA, proteins) that is known to cause a certain disease and selectively inhibiting or modifying its activity by binding a drug molecule to a specified location on that target. In this course, computational techniques for designing such a drug molecule will be taught. The topics to be covered are: Identification of the active part. Forces involved in drug-receptor interactions. Screening of drug libraries. Use of different software to determine binding energies. Identifying a lead molecule. Methods of refining a lead molecule for better suitability. Case studies: A survey of known drugs, success and failure stories.

CHE 585 Sustainable Energy

Examine the technologies, environmental impacts and economics of main energy sources of today and tomorrow including fossil fuels, nuclear power, biomass, geothermal energy, hydropower, wind energy, and solar energy. Comparison of different energy systems within the context of sustainability. Hydrogen economy and fuel cells.

ENS 501 Research Methods and Scientific Ethics

Thesis necessities, Scientific Research, Scientific Reserach Methods, Ethics of Science are some of the basic topics of the lectures, details are given at the weekly flow.

CHE 595 Master's Thesis

Experimental or theoretical study that can be used to synthesize and apply the knowledge

gained in vocational education.

CHE 596 Master's Thesis

Experimental or theoretical study that can be used to synthesize and apply the knowledge

gained in vocational education.

CHE 597 Master's Term Project

Experimental or theoretical study that can be used to synthesize and apply the knowledge

gained in vocational education.



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