Graduate School Of Science - Uskudar University Graduate School Board

Graduate School Board

Prof. Mesut KARAHAN (Director)

Asst. Prof. Nuri BİNGÖL (Vice Director)

Prof. Muhsin KONUK (Head of the Molecular Biology English/Turkish Department)

Prof. Mehmet SAVSAR (Head of the Engineering Management Department)

Prof. Selim ŞEKER (Head of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering English Department)

Prof. Burhan PEKTAŞ (Head of the Computer Engineering English/Turkish Department)

Prof. Tunç ÇATAL (Head of the Biotechnology Department)

Asst. Prof. Ahmet ŞENOL (Head of the Cyber Security English/ Turkish Department)

Asst. Prof.Mert Mehmet OYMAK (Head of the Chemical Engineering Department)

Asst. Prof. Nuri BİNGÖL (Head of the Artificial Intelligence Engineering Department)

Asst. Prof. Tuğba BAL  (Head of the Bioengineering English/Turkish Department)

Hülya DÜNDAR Secretary of the granduate school of Sciences/ Rapporteur

WHATEVER’S ON YOUR MIND about our University, ask us!