Electrical and Electronics Engineering (English) Master’s Program - Application and Fees

 2024-2025 Spring Semester Online Applications

Online Application Date                   : 16.12.2024 – Monday

 Application Deadline                         : 26.01.2025 -Sunday

Application Announcement Date  : 29.01.2025 -Wednesday

Main List Final Registration Dates : 29 January - 05 February 2025

Reserve List Final Registration Dates: 06-14 February 2025

PROGRAM FEES: https://uskudar.edu.tr/tr/high-license-fees

Online Pre-Registration Link is below:


ALES Score Type                                               : NUMERIC

Online Application Link


1.General Requirements: You may enroll in a program with thesis or non-thesis option, For the thesis option, commonly, you will be required to take 7 or more courses in a minimum of two semesters and work for thesis which typically lasts about 2 semesters or more. The non-thesis option means you are rqeuired to take 10 or more courses in about 3 semesters and a project needs to be done in a minimum of one semester. Please check details of each program as it may vary.

Dear students,

2024-2025 SPRING SEMESTER COURSE PROGRAM FOR ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (ENGLISH) THESIS / NON-THESIS MASTER PROGRAM is attached. EEE590 and EEE 595 are offered only in the master program with THESIS, the EEE 596 course is offered only in the non-thesis master program, and the other courses are offered in both THESIS and NON-THESIS programs. You can make your course registration accordingly. We wish you all a successful semester. 

Head of Electrical-Electronics Engineering (English) Department : Prof. Dr. Selim ŞEKER
E-mail: selim.seker@uskudar.edu.tr

Enstitü Süreç Akış Diyagramı - EN ).docx

online application. https://sis.uskudar.edu.tr/oibs/ina_app/login.aspx

Interview Dates

Electrical and Electronics Engineering English Master’s Program

Who can Apply for Electrical and Electronics Engineering Master’s Program? 

The graduates of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electronics - Communication Engineering and related sciences can apply to the program.


ALES and YDS result document (ALES and YDS Exam of any field type should be 55 points and above)

Applicants will be subject to science examination or interview.

Applicants will be selected according to the ranking.

Applicants who do not have ALES certificate can apply to master program as special student status.

ALES certificate is not required for the applicants applying to the Master's Program without Thesis.

Those who apply from outside the field will be subject to 1 year of education (will not be counted from Master’s Program).

WHATEVER’S ON YOUR MIND about our University, ask us!