Biotechnology Master's Degree - About

What is Biotechnology Master's Degree Program?

The aim of the Biotechnology (with/without Thesis) Master's Degree Program is to train researchers who have theoretical and technological requirements and equipment related to their field, who have followed the developments in their field, and who have gained the ability to do so, who are focused on teaching by assimilating the pleasure of learning. (With/without Thesis) the Master's Degree Program aims to train researchers who have theoretical and technological requirements and equipment related to their field, who have followed the developments in their field and who have gained the ability to do so, who are focused on teaching by assimilating the pleasure of learning.

Therefore, biotechnologists are needed in the research and development departments of organizations concerning human and environmental health. The aim of the Biotechnology Master's Degree Program is basically to provide the necessary knowledge to the individuals who will conduct research in a technological sense and contribute to the training of Biotechnologists who can lead the studies to be carried out in addition to meeting the need for qualified academic staff in our country and abroad.

What are the courses taken in the Biotechnology Master's Degree Program?

Within the scope of the Biotechnology Master's Degree Program, in addition to compulsory courses such as introduction to biotechnology, Microbiology, and techniques, specialty courses, elective courses such as current topics in biotechnology, immobilized enzyme, and cell technology, advanced cell culture techniques, nanobiotechnology are taught.

What are the Fields of Labor for Biotechnology Master's Degree Graduates?

Graduates who have completed the Master's Degree Program can work in fields such as pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and biomedical, as well as working as researchers and academicians in industrial biotechnology environment, pharmaceutical companies, forensic laboratories, private diagnostic laboratories, and public hospitals genetic laboratories, private or state universities.

Within the scope of the Master's Degree Program, students are encouraged to start their own biotechnology companies for the innovative transfer of their projects to life and contribute to the development of the biotechnology sector in Turkiye.

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