Cryptography -Introduction to Cryptography derslerinin 2024-2025 Güz Dönemi Final Sınav Takvimi.TürüSınıfıProgramın AdıDers KoduDers AdıSINAVIN YAPILACAĞI DERSLİKÖğretim ElemanıHangi GünBaş. SaatBit. SaatEnstitü1Bilgisayar Mühendisliği (İngilizce) /Bilgisayar Mühendisliği (İngilizce) (Tezli)COME571CryptographyMERKEZ D-BLOK -1 AYHAN SONGARDr. Öğr. Üyesi FATİH TEMİZ20.01.202519:4020:30Enstitü1Siber Güvenlik (İngilizce) /Siber Güvenlik (İngilizce) (Tezli)CYS533Introduction to CryptographyMERKEZ D-BLOK -1 AYHAN SONGARDr. Öğr. Üyesi FATİH TEMİZ20.01.202519:4020:30
Dear students,2024-2025 Fall Semester Final Exam Schedule is here. You can contact the faculty members in the courses for the exam that is not on the list.FINAL EXAM CALENDAR 2024-2025 FALL SEMESTER.xlsxFİNAL SINAV TAKVİMİ 2024-2025 GÜZ DÖNEMİ.xlsx
2024-2025 Spring Semester Online Applications Online Application Date : 16.12.2024 – Monday Application Deadline : 26.01.2025 -SundayApplication Announcement Date : 29.01.2025 -WednesdayMain List Final Registration Dates : 29 January - 05 February 2025Reserve List Final Registration Dates: 06-14 February 2025
Dear Students,You can view and fill out the relevant petition forms for the subjects by clicking on the link below for the Institute of Science and Technology Petition System.Petitions will be forwarded to the relevant faculty member and Head of Department according to their subject and will be evaluated by the Institute Board of Directors.You can see the result of your petition from the same system.We kindly request your information.
Dear Students,You can check your New Term weekly course schedules from the OBS system.We wish you success.Proliz Software Student Affairs Automation (
Placement ExamThe Placement Exam will be held FACE TO FACE on September 26, 2024 at 10 am in Üsküdar University Coordinatorship of Foreign Languages English Preparatory School C Block 108. All newly registered students are required to take the "Placement Determination Exam". *Students who will take the exam must be in C Block 108 classroom at 09:30 and have a student ID card or if he/she doesn't have the ID card yet, a registration paper taken from the student affairs office with a picture. Students should also have an official identification card or a passport to prove their identity, a pencil, eraser, and sharpener with them. * Students who get a score of 60 or above from the exam are entitled to take the Proficiency Exam.* Exam results will be announced on the Preparatory School website: Proficiency ExamThe Proficiency Exam will be held FACE TO FACE on October 2, 2024 at 09:00 in the assigned classroom of Üsküdar University Coordinatorship of Foreign Languages English Preparatory School on Üsküdar University Altunizade Campus.*Students who will take the exam must be in the assigned classroom at 08:30 and have a student ID card or if he/she doesn't have the ID card yet, a registration paper taken from the student affairs office with a picture. Students should also have an official identification card or a passport to prove their identity, a pencil, eraser, and sharpener with them.*Students' Proficiency Exam location and class information will be announced on the Preparatory School website:* Students who do not take the Proficiency exam will be placed in Preparatory School classes.* Exam results will be announced on the Preparatory School website:
Procedures for Postgraduation ProgramsCourse registration dates: September 30 – October 13Semester Start Date: October 7After confirming your course registration, you can attend your classes according to the day and time in your course schedule.Process Order1- Our students will choose the courses they will take this semester through the course selection screen in the Student Information System (OBS).2- Our students will confirm their online course registration and submit it to their advisors for online approval. Course registration is obligatory.* You can consult your advisor for your questions about course registration.Course SelectionsStudents who take a scientific preparation class will choose the scientific preparation courses included in the curriculum.The semester credit load of our students is 30 ECTS.Students who are at the thesis stage are required to register for the thesis course.) Fifth and sixth semester students who have extended their semesters can register for courses by paying an extension fee in the financial affairs.)Students cannot take courses that are not approved by their advisors.Students will register for courses through the Student Information System (OBS) and submit them electronically to the advisor for approval. With the approval of the advisor through the system, the course registration process will be completed.Students whose course registration procedures have been approved and who want to meet with their advisor can contact via messaging or e-mail via the STIX system.Students whose course registration is not approved cannot attend the courses.One day after the advisor's approval of the course registrations, their student status will be active on e-Government.Links are shared below. You can access the system you want to enter by copying the links.For OBS: the login address for the student information system. (You must follow your course schedule, course selection and grading procedures here.)"In the password field of our students who will enter the OBS system for the first time, the password is the combination of the first letter of the name that is capitalized, Turkish identity number and *. For example, a sample password for a student whose name is Murat is M14807694569* or students can change their password by resetting the password.For STIX: It is a system that allows students and academicians to share documents, share homework, message, and receive announcements. The STIX system is fully integrated with the OBS system. You can log in the system with your username that is ST extension e-mail address and OBS password. (It works one day after the registration confirmation.)For ALMS: ALMS is an education system for distance education. If you have an online course, you need to log in at this address. (The course runs one day after the registration confirmation.) It works integrated with the OBS system. You can log in the system with your student number and OBS password.TO LEARN THE MAIL LOGIN OR E-MAIL ADDRESS AND TO CHANGE THE E-MAIL PASSWORD: learn your Student Number: With the Single Password system, the password can only be changed 1 time on the same day. If you cannot log in even though you have done all the procedures, please send an e-mail to the address by stating your student number, or apply to the Information Technologies in your campus.
Dear Students;The deadline for submitting the advisor preference form and the thesis proposal formula for the thesis program for master's programs that have completed their second semester and departments that have not yet been assigned a thesis advisor is Friday, September 20, 2024.The preferred sections of the thesis report and the master's thesis proposal section must be signed by the advisor and sent to the Institute Secretariat via e-mail.You can access all forms from the link sent outside the specified date will not be evaluated.For your information..
ENS502-Applied Statistics Course Make-Up Exam will be held on Friday, June 28, 2024 at 15:00 in Çarşı Campus class 305. (Prof. Dr. Bahaddin Sinsoysal)
ANNOUNCED TO BIOENGINEERING AND BIOINFORMATICS PROGRAM STUDENTS.ENS502-Applied Statistics course final exam will be held on 07/06/2024 at 16:00 in Çarşı Campus class 119.We wish success to our students.
2024-2025 Fall Semester Online Applications will start on 03.06.2024.Application Deadline: 31.07.2024Application announcement date: 09.08.2024PROGRAM FEES: Pre-Registration Link is below: ALES Score Type: NUMERICAL INSTITUTE PROCESS FLOW CHARTInstitute Process Flow Chart.docx
To Our Dear Students,The final exam locations of the following courses have been updated.Submits for your information,BYT502Mikrobiyoloji ve TeknikleriMB-YUNUS EMRE SALONUProf. Dr. TUNÇ ÇATAL29.05.202414:0015:00MLC531Advanced Molecular GeneticsMB-YUNUS EMRE SALONUDr. Öğr. Üyesi ÇİĞDEM SEZER ZHMUROV29.05.202413:0014:00MLK531İleri Moleküler GenetikMB-YUNUS EMRE SALONUDr. Öğr. Üyesi ÇİĞDEM SEZER ZHMUROV29.05.202413:0014:002023-2024 SPRING TERM FINAL EXAM CALENDAR.xlsx
2024-2025 Fall Semester Online Applications will start on 03.06.2024.Application Deadline: 31.07.2024Online Pre-Registration Link is below:
Based on the e-mail received from our University Career Center, the "Career Day" event will be held this year on Wednesday, May 08, 2024, between 11:00 - 18:00 at the Çarşı campus of our University.