About Fall Term Thesis and Project Submission Dates.

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  • About Fall Term Thesis and Project Submission Dates.

Dear Students,

Our students, who will complete their thesis and project at the end of the 2023-2024 Fall Semester, must submit all their documents and thesis as of January 28, in line with the Academic Calendar, at the latest.

Our students who have reached the Thesis and Project completion stage must submit the Thesis Assignment-Thesis Proposal-Thesis Defense Examination Jury Appointment forms and then submit the following forms and their thesis-projects after passing the defense exams.

1- Defense Exam Report. (All members must have wet signatures.)

2-Thesis Format Review Form. (It must have a wet signature.)

3-Thesis Submission Form. (Project Submission Form for non-thesis program)

4-Thesis Approval Form. (Must be signed) - (Project Approval Form for non-thesis program)

5-Thesis Data Entry Form. (E-mail is taken from the government and the system directs you.) (Not required for the project.)

6-Plagiarism-Turnitin Report. (Given by the consultant)

7-Article journal reference page. In Master's programs with thesis, in order for students who have reached the thesis defense stage to take the defense exam; They are required to have submitted a research article to a national or international refereed journal.

We wish you luck.


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