Candidate for Uskudar | For all your questions about our university

Faculty of Health Sciences – Uskudar University, Bachelor's, Degree Programs Education

1.1. Program Design and Approval Process

The design of the education and training programs of the faculty includes the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework in accordance with the Bologna process. Program designs are subject to continuous improvement and updating through regular meetings held in the relevant units and units, and are submitted to the University Senate for approval by the Faculty Board. Designing faculty programs; It is carried out with the opinions received from internal and external stakeholders and the active participation of the academic staff of the unit. Sharing of internal and external stakeholders is done through measurement-evaluation/survey, meetings and face-to-face meetings. (See ITBF Academic Board File)

1.2. Visibility and Reach

The way we ensure that the educational objectives and learning outcomes of the faculty programs are achieved and made visible; They are Course Information Packages consisting of information forms, application files and lesson application files. Access to these files by internal and external stakeholders is provided through the Faculty and Departments' Web pages.


Exams, assignments, seminars, etc. of our programs. processes can be monitored through the Student Information System.

1.4. Improvement Process

Improvements in the content of the program are determined and planned at the meetings of the program faculty members, the Education and Quality Commissions and the academic board. The practices carried out in accordance with this plan are constantly monitored, and new measures are taken when necessary, with the contribution of feedback from internal stakeholders.

The program outputs planned in accordance with the principles determined within the scope of TYYÇ are evaluated by the faculty members of the department at the end of each semester of the academic year, and the anticipated improvements are planned and implemented in accordance with the PDCA cycle.

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