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2022-2023 Summer Term Applications (Undergraduate Programs)

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  • 2022-2023 Summer Term Applications (Undergraduate Programs)

2022-2023 Academic Year summer education of our University will be held as a face-to-face and students who will take courses must make their preliminary applications (excluding preparatory class students) online between 10-24 July, 2023.

Notice: Exams will be held face to face.

Click for the pre-application here.

Apart from the courses mentioned below, the courses planned to be opened according to the number of applications will be announced on the Faculty / Vocational School website on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 and our students will be able to register for distance courses between July 26 and August 2, 2023 via the link to be published and make their total ECTS payments as stated below.

ECTS Fee Payment Conditions:

1. The full amount of the ECTS fee should be made to the bank accounts listed below by direct money transfer or EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer)

2. The payments that are made through banks must state ‘Summer School’, ‘Republic of Türkiye Identification Number’ and ‘The number of ECTS payments made’ on the payment slip.

3. The payments can be made with all credit cards that have a sufficient limit to cover the ECTS fee.

4. 5% cash discount is implemented in cash payments.

 5-There is a 25% discount on fees per ECTS for Üsküdar University students.

TR60 0006 7010 0000 0092 2175 00
TR34 0006 2000 4130 0006 2916 95
TR19 0006 4000 0011 0601 9117 30
TR72 0020 6001 4701 5643 5000 01
TR19 0004 6000 2088 8000 4467 44



Click here for the ECTS Fee.


According to the number of students who have made their financial registrations for the courses planned to be opened, the courses deemed appropriate by the Faculty/Vocational School Administrative Boards will be announced on the Faculty/Vocational School website on August 4, 2023. face to face training for the announced courses will start on Monday, August 7, 2023.

The guest students from other Universities seeking to take courses at Üsküdar University are required to upload their identification card along with the approval for the courses they plan to take at our University while making their online application.


  1. During summer term, only 5 courses that do not exceed 21 ECTS can be taken.
  2. While making the online application, the guest students who seek to take courses at Uskudar University are required to upload an official approval of the courses they are planning to take. This approval must be taken from their university.
  3. A refund of fees can only be made to those who made their full payment at enrollment for summer if the planned courses were cancelled by the Faculty/Vocational School Administrative Boards due to low numbers of enrollment to that course.
  4. Students who drop an already opened course will not be eligible for a refund.
  5. Our students can take the courses that are not available at Üsküdar University can take the said summer courses at other Universities with the approval of the Faculty / Executive Board of the Vocational School of Health Services

Click below for Summer Term Regulations.

Classes to be opened regardless of student numbers

Course Name
Ataturk’s Principals and Turkish Revolution History I
Ataturk’s Principals and Turkish Revolution History II
Turkish Language I
Turkish Language II
English I
English II
University Culture I
University Culture II


Pre-application dates
10th to 24th of July 2023
Announcement of Planned Courses
July 26, 2023
Application – Enrollment Dates for Summer Term
26th July to 2nd August 2023
Announcement of Approved Classes
4th August 2023
Start Date of the Summer School Courses
7th August 2023
Ending Date for Summer Term Classes
22nd September 2023

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