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Radio, Television and Cinema - About

We bring new professionals to the sector in the Radio, Television and Cinema Department of Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication.

 What is the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema? 

The mass media such as radio, television and cinema are becoming more important in the world, which has turned into a small village thanks to the technology. This situation requires that the mass media should be considered as a social and scientific phenomenon besides being a tool in communication.

In parallel with the rapid expansion of mass media, the training of professionals who will work in various fields of mass communication such as radio, television and cinema also gains importance. For this reason, it is of great importance to plan the information and message that will be produced in these areas and that will be transferred to the society in a way that will benefit the people from production to distribution processes and even to the use of it. This is possible by bringing qualified professionals to the mass media sector.

Applied Courses 

The Department of Radio, Television and Cinema enables qualified academic staff, physical and technical classrooms, laboratories, radio and television studios to provide theoretical and applied education together. The department aims to educate students as qualified professionals with its curriculum, which is prepared not only by considering the present but also the future.

What are the courses in Radio, Television and Cinema Department?

The Department of Radio, Television and Cinema consists of consecutive and complementary courses from general to specific courses and from theoretical courses to applied ones. In the department where there are many elective courses, students can take elective courses from other departments of the Faculty of Communication.

Elective Courses in Radio, Television and Cinema Department 

In the first two years in the Radio, Television and Cinema Department, common courses are given with other departments of the faculty. In the third and fourth year, students mainly choose elective courses. The students of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema may choose elective courses from other departments of the faculty in addition to the mandatory courses in their departments.

What are the Occupational Opportunities for the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema Graduates?  

The graduates of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema can find employment opportunities in almost all media related media such as printing, advertising, public relations, corporate communication, human resources, political communication as well as radio, television and cinema sectors.

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