Candidate for Uskudar | For all your questions about our university

Communication Faculty - Vision & Mission


Our basic mission is educating communication professionals, who can comprehend the world they live in, who can watch the cases and circumstances interrogatively, analytically and critically is our basic mission. We care for a holistic education of communication which theory and practice complementing each other in order to fulfil this mission ideally. Along with our qualified academic staff, our radio and television studios equipped with the latest technology will be provide opportunity to our students to put into practice the theoretical knowledge they acquired in the courses.


Our vision is to educate qualified and intellectual professionals who are confident about the future and ready to take responsibility with a person-centred learning philosophy in communication education, high-tech labs and radio and TV studios, and well-educated academic staff.

Our faculty’s top priority is to become a scientific institution with high quality education which would help us be a reputable global player in communication education.  In order to be so, we have launched an international student exchange program since our debut as an institution. We would like to let our students expand their horizons through off-campus and co-curricular activities. We want them to be familiar with other cultures and countries and share their experiences in those environments. This would allow us to educate communication professionals who are able to compete in international arena.

WHATEVER’S ON YOUR MIND about our University, ask us!