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Communication Faculty - Education


1. Program Design and Approval

The department curricula and faculty curricula, which are created by examining the education programs of national and international competent institutions by academicians, department heads and department boards who are experts in their fields, are put into practice after being discussed and approved by the Faculty Board. The Faculty Quality Board and the Faculty External Stakeholder and Advisory Board determined by this board make their observations and make their evaluations continuously during both the design and implementation of the curriculum. Thus, the suitability of the curriculum for communication education is constantly checked, its non-functioning aspects are intervened with rapid decision-making, and its weaknesses are strengthened.

Student feedback is also of great importance in observations and evaluations of the effectiveness of the curriculum. The curriculum is updated and strengthened at the end of each academic year by receiving student feedback such as the continuous feedback of the Faculty Student Representative in the meetings held from time to time with the students, the continuous meetings of the advisors with the students, the evaluations of the students sent to the sector for internship.

In order to provide an effective communication education, the curriculum and program structure created with the opinions of the sector is given importance. The views of the Faculty External Stakeholder and Advisory Board, which is composed of professionals working in various fields of the media, on the curriculum; Intensive studies are carried out to further strengthen the communication education given at the Faculty of Communication in events such as conferences, workshops and symposiums held from time to time with professional people invited from the sector and to find a response in the sector. 

The database of contact information of graduates has been created in a way that allows to maintain contact with them after graduation. Employment rates of graduates, employment rates in and outside the field they graduated from are monitored through face-to-face interviews, invitations to graduation ceremonies, and information to be obtained from electronic surveys. These impressions are taken into account when determining the competencies of the programs. 

Compliance of the curriculum implemented in the Faculty of Communication with the learning outcomes of Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework is considered important. For this purpose, necessary studies are carried out to ensure that the syllabuses, the learning outcomes of each course are compatible with the program outcomes, and regular checks are made to constantly update this harmony. For the continuous and effective implementation of Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework principles, the meetings held by the department boards at the beginning and end of each academic year are reported and evaluated by the faculty board. 

1.1. Visibility and Accessibility

All courses in the curriculum are visible and accessible in the University Bologna System (BBS) on the basis of departments. The instructor of each course, its syllabus, outputs, and their compatibility with the program outputs are detailed on the web page and are accessible to internal and external stakeholders. Evidence: Üsküdar University Bologna Information System (BBS)


In the surveys made at the end of each semester, various meetings with the students and their opinions on the general operation and the execution of the programs are obtained.

Our University's Resolution Center deals with student complaints and requests instantly.

Close contact with the Student Council is taken into account to ensure that universities and programs are run.

With our open door policy with our students, the wishes and ideas of our students are taken into consideration at all times.

With the office meeting hour application, each lecturer is provided to be present in their offices for student visits on certain days and times of the week, and these office hours are also recorded in the Bologna system of the students.

Our students are informed through digital screens, mobile applications and SMS on every floor of our university. 

1.3. Improvement Process

The program outputs planned in accordance with the principles determined within the scope of Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework are evaluated by the faculty members of the department at the end of each semester of the academic year, and the anticipated improvements are planned and implemented in accordance with the PDCA cycle. In this context, the steps taken towards the improvement process are as follows:

The effective operation of the advisory teaching staff system and the participation of internal stakeholders in the process are ensured through the meetings held.

Due to the effective functioning of the office hours application, the evaluations of the students regarding the programs are monitored in an up-to-date manner, notes are taken and discussed in the relevant committees (departmental committees and faculty committees).

Students' views on the course and curriculum are taken into account through course evaluation surveys at the end of the semester. Evaluation survey results are used for the purpose of adding or changing compulsory and/or elective courses in the relevant programs.

It is possible for the students to be actively involved in the process thanks to the feedback of external stakeholders on the competencies and skills of the Faculty of Communication students, thanks to the opportunity to do 20 days of compulsory internship and 20 days of voluntary internship. In this context, stakeholders provide consultancy support to department heads and faculty deans through the Faculty Quality Board at the end of each academic semester.

Improvement activities are carried out through department boards, faculty board, student meetings and Faculty Quality Board at least twice a year.

The degree to which the programs reach their educational goals and respond to the needs of students and the society is monitored by the performances of the students in their domestic and international internships within the scope of ERASMUS+ mobility.

At the end of each academic year, the commitments of the programs regarding the educational objectives and learning outcomes are ensured by making arrangements in accordance with the evaluation results made at the departmental board meetings.

At the end of each academic year, departments review and update their curricula in line with the feedback from students, academics and the Rectorate, and are presented to the Senate after the approval of the faculty board.

Department meetings with internal stakeholders, multidisciplinary meetings and Communication Days for both internal and external stakeholders, We Talk Brand, Public Relations Symposium, New Media Symposium, News Workshop, etc. It is ensured that up-to-dateness is maintained by organizing events.

Within the scope of Career Days, students who go on practice and internship are brought together with external stakeholders and various activities are organized.

Practices such as periodic student meetings, graduate surveys, assessment and evaluation methods, evaluation of the academic counseling system, satisfaction surveys, solution center, giving a speech to the student representative of the Faculty of Communication in the department/faculty committees and the Faculty Quality Board contribute to the program update studies. 

2. Student-Centered Learning, Teaching and Assessment

2.1. Policies and Availability

In the Faculty of Communication, education is carried out with a student-oriented approach, which is also the basic principle of Üsküdar University. For this purpose, attention is paid to the effective inclusion of the Student Council and Student Clubs in the process. Various social, scientific and cultural events held in partnership with student clubs and faculty lecturers are an important proof of this. 

Feedback received from students through the Student Council Faculty Representative, Rector-Student Meetings held at least twice a year, meetings with Erasmus students, University Solution Center data, international student coaching practice, preparatory school student coaching mentoring practice are some prominent examples of student-centered understanding. 

While the student-oriented approach stands out in the creation of the syllabus, it is also important to ensure that all kinds of outputs related to the syllabus are accessible. Credit values (ECTS)

based on student workload of the courses in the programs are created and recorded in Üsküdar University Bologna Information System (

Student-oriented policy is also prominent in internship practice. Every student who is required to do a compulsory internship for 20 working days is provided with the opportunity of voluntary internship for 20 working days, if he/she wishes. In addition, with the Erasmus+ program, the student is provided with internship opportunities abroad. Care is taken to include internships in the student's ECTS load.

The satisfaction surveys applied to the students in each semester are an important tool in terms of evaluating all aspects of education and student feedback. At the end of each semester, student satisfaction surveys are evaluated by the faculty department committees and the faculty academic committee, and detailed reports are prepared to be submitted to the University Senate. Thus, the student-reflected weaknesses and strengths of the faculty are revealed, and quick action is taken to eliminate the weaknesses. 

Meetings with the rector and students are also an important indicator of our student-oriented policy. Towards the end of each semester, all students of the faculty come together at a meeting called “Meetings with the Rector” and openly convey their criticisms and complaints. After each meeting with the Rector, the evaluation reports prepared by the faculties and the university are discussed at the relevant committees of the faculty and the University Senate, and negative feedback and rapid solutions to the problems are produced. 

Our University's Resolution Center deals with student complaints and requests instantly. In various meetings, students are informed and encouraged to openly communicate their problems to the Solution Center. Any problem that reaches the Resolution Center is seen by the Rector, the relevant vice-rectors, the faculty dean, the relevant department head, the vice deans, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and related directorates, and quick action is taken for a solution.

Our student-oriented policy in education is also reflected in the teaching of the lessons. Care is taken to ensure that the lessons are interactive. Emphasis is placed on providing practical courses for the profession with rich equipment in practical areas such as studio, computer laboratory and news workshop. 

It is obligatory for the students to attend 70% of the lessons and 80% to the practices, and this situation is communicated to the students both verbally and through the syllabus in the first lesson. In case of not being able to attend the exam, report the status of the student, etc. It is necessary to document it with documents and it is necessary to notify the Dean of the Faculty of Communication. After the transition to online education with the epidemic, synchronized class participation and exams implemented in the ALMS environment, both via zoom and teams, were recorded; student's copy in exams, etc. Appropriate examination plans have been made in order not to resort to illegal and illegal practices.

Necessary arrangements in the education of our disabled students are made by considering the needs of the students. (Allocation of a reader/writer in the exam of our visually impaired student, etc.). Suitable environment and equipment are also available for other disabled situations. 

Our University's International Relations Directorate and ERASMUS Office are responsible for all the needs of foreign students. In addition, we have an ERASMUS coordinator in each department and we try to meet the needs of our foreign students without delay. With the international student coaching application, there is a practice of finding immediate solutions to the problems faced by foreign students. (See ).

If the students who come to our faculty with Erasmus do not know Turkish, it is given importance to open English courses and to teach the courses they want to take in English.

An important indicator of our student-oriented policy is the orientation meetings. At the beginning of each year, an orientation event is held for newly enrolled students, with the participation and briefing of the dean, department heads, all professors and all administrative directorates. 

Effective consulting system implementation. Each of our students must have an advisor. Each advisor provides uninterrupted consultancy services from the first year until graduation. Consultancy services are also reinforced with office hours. 

An important indicator of the student-oriented approach in practice is STIX, which is used as a support area for the continuous realization of communication between the student and the instructor. As an internal communication network, continuous communication between the instructor and the student is ensured through STIX, course materials etc. all kinds of information sharing takes place through this channel in the most efficient way. STIX data is discussed in the university senate every week, and the effectiveness and continuity of lecturer-student communication is kept under constant control. (see )

Learning by doing is very important in communication education. A newspaper called Haber Üsküdar, in which students take an active role, is published by the Faculty of Communication, Communication Days are organized, and students are also actively implementing the practical side of education through ÜÜTV and ÜÜ Radio. In addition, it is ensured that practical training is given strongly with educational shooting studio, news workshop and computer laboratories. It is important that practical training is carried out mostly by teachers with professional experience. 

An important indicator of student-oriented policy is elective courses. With the rich pool of elective courses offered to the students in the third and fourth years of the faculty, it is important for the students to create their curriculum according to their own interests. A student in a department can choose courses from other departments or even from the programs of other faculties. In the selection of elective courses, the advisors of the student are also supported to make the curriculum really oriented towards his own interest and vision (see

The number and duration of in-class activities (Midterm Exam, Quiz, Homework, Final, Out-of-Class Study, Class Participation, Practice, Laboratory, Presentation etc.) It is calculated based on the workload of 25 hours per week. This calculation is based on the workload hours foreseen by the studies carried out by the academic boards of the department (see

2.2. Competencies and Specialization

Universities are institutions that produce science and research and development as well as education and training. Based on this awareness, the Faculty of Communication also attaches importance to training strong academic staff in addition to education. For this, the following applications are carried out:

Specialization: It is important that each lecturer specializes in a certain field. For this reason, the fields of expertise are taken as a basis in the participation of each instructor in the education and training process.

Encouraging research and development activities: Efforts are made to provide the necessary conditions for each academician to produce knowledge in their field of expertise, to provide an academic working environment and financial support. Engaging in domestic and international scientific activities, participating in activities, carrying out activities, doing research, etc. work is encouraged. The Project Research And Development unit of the university also provides great support in this regard. (see )

Training a strong academic staff: Recruitment and training of research assistants is of great importance in order to train a strong academic staff for the faculty. Research assistants in the faculty are encouraged to create a vision and grow in a certain field, and graduate and doctoral studies are supported.

Activity follow-up: The performance of the academic staff is monitored comprehensively with the Activity Tracking System (FTS). Academic permissions are given for the academic staff to continue their professional development, and a certain amount of resources are allocated from the University's budget for the academic activities that the teaching staff will participate in. (see )

2.3. Student Participation and Learning Outcomes

At the beginning of each semester, syllabuses and learning outcomes are created for each course and shared in the Bologna Information System. The learning outcomes of this course are compared with the program outcomes and it is evaluated whether the final goal has been achieved or not.

Satisfaction surveys are conducted with students at the end of each semester, exam documents are archived, and students are informed on various subjects through STIX (Student Teacher Information Exchange) software.

Exam results, student surveys, feedback from internship supervisors, application evaluation outputs for practice courses are secured by academic committee evaluations and decisions at the end of each semester.

In cases where the program outputs cannot be reached, root cause analyzes are carried out and improvement studies related to the relevant department and course are evaluated, planned and decided in academic boards and meetings. Compensatory programs are implemented through meetings with internal stakeholders such as academic staff and students.

Each academic unit announces it by holding meetings with its students. At the same time, orientation and information meetings with internal and external stakeholders are held and recorded. Changes made as a result of these meetings are announced on the website of our university. 

2.4. Content and Method of Program Courses

In the Faculty of Communication, the curricula are prepared by the department boards and submitted to the approval of the faculty board.

Each department prepares the department curriculum based on its own purposes, mission and vision, in connection with the mission and vision of the faculty, and in line with the basic values, mission and vision definition of the university.

In the preparation of the curriculum, the suggestions of the Internal and External Stakeholders of the Faculty and the Advisory Board are also taken.

The content of each course to be included in the curriculum is created with the participation of all lecturers working in the department and expressing their opinions. While creating the course contents, the student's working time in the classroom, extracurricular workload, library work, internship practice, etc. issues are also taken into account.

Care is taken to ensure that each course is compatible with the objectives of the department, the educational principles and objectives of the faculty, and is capable of responding to the needs of the sector.

While preparing the content of each course, the content of the course in other equivalent institutions and even the content features at the international level are also taken into consideration.

Internship practice is an important complementary education field for the students of the Faculty of Communication. The university has an internship directive, and the Faculty of Communication has prepared a process instruction regarding the application by adhering to the principles of this directive and has put it on the faculty web page.

University education is also a vision-building education, so it cannot be limited to the department. For this reason, the door was left open for the students of the Faculty of Communication to take elective courses from other departments and fields.

Since the university is also a culture-creating area, the University Culture course is included in the curriculum in the Faculty of Communication, as in all other departments of the university, and it is given to first-year students as compulsory. Within the scope of this course, students actively participate in social and cultural activities at the university and faculty. The course, which is excluded from the scope of the academic staff workload, is included as 1 ECTS within the scope of the student workload.

Course advisors are assigned to students according to each class and branch, and these advisors continue their advisory duties until the graduation of the student. Thus, continuity in consultancy is also ensured.

The measurement, evaluation and education activities of our faculty are in compliance with the legislation and regulations of the university. Accordingly, the measurement and evaluation procedures and principles of our university have been announced to internal and external stakeholders through the Üsküdar University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations and Üsküdar University Graduate Education and Exam Regulations, and the continuity of the process is ensured through these regulations. implementation of the process is assured. See

It is measured by various evaluation methods such as midterm, final exams, homework grade, presentation, project, thesis. It is made through timely briefings and seminars organized by following the instructions, and communicated to the students at the beginning of each semester. In addition, the BDP details are constantly monitored by our education commission, and the decisions taken are shared with the academic staff within the framework of academic staff orientation every semester.

Preservation of course evaluation data: Exam papers are regularly enveloped and classified and stored for at least five years in the archive area reserved for the faculty. In addition, the virtual data of the applied courses are stored in the networked common area of the faculty.

2.5. Graduation Requirements

Graduation conditions are determined according to the provisions of article 47 of Üsküdar University Master's, Associate's and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations. Successful students who have successfully completed all the courses, graduation thesis and internship in the curriculum of the program they are registered with and who have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 are entitled to receive a diploma. In the syllabuses created at the beginning of each semester, the evaluation methods of the course are informed to the students at the beginning of each course within the scope of the Bologna process.

2.6. Student Rights

The regulations of our faculty covering student rights are in compliance with the University Legislation and Regulations. In addition, these rights and duties are guaranteed by the Student Rights and Duties Directive, which was created specifically for Üsküdar University. In addition, the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Directive has been implemented in order to take measures against any possible harassment and prevent discrimination at our university, and it is a guarantee for students. (See )

2.7. Student Complaints and Suggestions

Students' complaints and suggestions are reached through the Solution Center Student Counseling System and Web page of our university, as well as through face-to-face meetings, and solutions are produced within the Faculty and necessary measures are taken to prevent the problem from recurring. 

3. Student Admission and Development, Recognition and Certification

Our faculty accepts students in the verbal score type according to the results of the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) conducted by OSYM. Student Mobility is provided by

ERASMUS student exchange programs. Horizontal transfer, vertical transfer, foreign student, double major and minor student admissions are in compliance with Üsküdar University Regulations and Directives See

Tablo-1: Faculty Occupancy Rates in 2022

Table-2: Number of Students by Faculty Departments 

Table-3: Number of Double Major / Minor Students according to the Department of the Faculty

4. Educational Staff

Staff Name

 Staff Surname


New Media and Communication




Visual Communication Design


Visual Communication Design


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Cartoon and Animation
İpek Fatma


Assoc. Prof. Dr.


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
New Media and Communication
Feride Zeynep


Assoc. Prof. Dr.


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Gül Esra


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Public Relations and Publicity


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Tutgun Ünal


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Visual Communication Design


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Cartoon and Animation
Muratoğlu Pehlivan


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
New Media and Communication
Yıldız Derya
Birincioğlu Vural


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Radio, Television and Cinema


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Radio, Television and Cinema


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Visual Communication Design


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Public Relations and Publicity
Baygül Özpınar


Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Public Relations and Publicity
Uğurlu Akbaş


Assist. Prof. Dr.


Assist. Prof. Dr.
New Media and Communication


Assist. Prof. Dr.
Visual Communication Design


Assist. Prof. Dr.
Radio, Television and Cinema


Assist. Prof. Dr.
Visual Communication Design
Karadoğan İsmayılov


Assist. Prof. Dr.
Public Relations and Publicity


Assist. Prof. Dr.
Public Relations and Publicity


Assist. Prof. Dr.
Radio, Television and Cinema


Assist. Prof. Dr.
Toros Ntapıapıs


Assist. Prof. Dr.


Assist. Prof. Dr.
New Media and Communication


Assist. Prof. Dr.
Cartoon and Animation


Res. Asst.


Res. Asst.


Res. Asst.
Visual Communication Design


Res. Asst.
Visual Communication Design


Res. Asst.
Public Relations and Publicity


Res. Asst.
Public Relations and Publicity


Res. Asst.
Radio, Television and Cinema


Res. Asst.
Radio, Television and Cinema


Res. Asst. PhD.


Res. Asst.
Cartoon and Animation


Res. Asst.
Cartoon and Animation


Res. Asst.
New Media and Communication


Res. Asst. PhD.
New Media and Communication

5. Learning Resources, Accessibility and Support

Namık Kemal Library is located on the campus of the Faculty of Communication. There are resources in the library where students can follow up-to-date and electronic resources. (See In addition, with the virtual library in the faculty lobby, students can access the resources they want in a virtual environment.

Various events, conferences and symposiums are held in our faculty as annual periods. (See Social, scientific and cultural activities in the Faculty of Communication also provide students with various learning outcomes. Evidence: if-activity-report-2019-2020-1.pdf (, P. 41

For each student, a faculty member is determined to provide academic and social counseling, and academic and social counseling support is provided to the student throughout his/her education.

At the beginning of each academic year, central Orientation Meetings and introductory meetings are held for the integration and acquaintance of new students, faculty and staff.

In addition, within the scope of the University Culture course, maximum participation of students in these activities is ensured.

The services and supports offered to the students are developed within the framework of the planning studies of the Senate, Faculty and Department committees.

6. Accreditation Studies

The domestic accreditation board of the Communication Faculties is İLEDAK, and Üsküdar University Communication Faculty received the İLEDAK accreditation for the first time with the Journalism department. Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication New Media and Journalism program was evaluated in 2019 and was entitled to receive the accreditation given by the Communication Research Association (İLAD) as a result of the evaluation made by the Communication Education Evaluation Accreditation Board (İLEDAK).

The other six departments that are active in the Faculty of Communication seem to be accredited with all criteria except the number of teaching staff. In the faculty, meetings are held and in-faculty trainings are given in order to strengthen the quality on the one hand and the accreditation process on the other. Quality and accreditation studies have been made into the permanent agenda of faculty academic boards and department boards. 

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