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Communication Faculty - Administrative System


1. Structure of Management and Administrative Units

The Faculty of Communication Administrative System is structured in accordance with the Academic Organization Regulation in Universities, which regulates the relations of the sub-units with the upper units related to the academic organization, functioning, duties, powers, and responsibilities of the university units stipulated in the Higher Education Law No. 2547. According to this;

The Dean

The dean, who is the representative and manager of the academic and administrative units in the faculty, is the person responsible for the execution of all academic and administrative affairs in the faculty. The dean is appointed by the relevant provisions of the law numbered 2547. The duties, powers, and responsibilities of the dean are also determined by the relevant provisions of the law numbered 2547.

Faculty Board

The Board consists of three professors, two associate professors and one doctor faculty member under the presidency of the dean, six faculty members who are elected by the faculty members with the relevant titles among themselves, and the department heads. Care is taken to ensure that the representatives of professors, associate professors, and physicians who will take part in the Faculty Board are primarily selected from among the full-time faculty members; If there are not enough faculty members with the titles specified in the faculty staff, representative faculty members from other faculties of the university may be elected to the faculty board. The Faculty Secretary also attends the Faculty Board meetings as a rapporteur.

The functioning of the Faculty Board is also determined by the relevant provisions of the Law No. 2547.

Faculty Executive Board

The Faculty Administrative Board consists of three professor representatives, two associate professor representatives, and a doctor lecturer representative, who are elected and appointed from among the faculty members selected from among the faculty members with the same title and submitted to the approval of the faculty board, under the chairmanship of the dean, as determined in the relevant provisions of the Faculty No. 2547. The Faculty Secretary also attends the Faculty Administrative Board meetings as a rapporteur. The functioning of the Faculty Administrative Board is also determined by the relevant provisions numbered 2547.


Department Heads

There are seven active departments in the Faculty of Communication. Heads of departments are responsible for planning, implementing, observing, and taking precautions for every operation of the education and training process of the department. The department heads who preside over the department boards are responsible for creating curricula, developing syllabuses, shaping the demands for teaching staff, coordinating education and training in coordination with the internal and external stakeholders of the department, and the duties, authorities, and responsibilities of the department heads have been determined by the relevant provisions of the law numbered 2547.

Secretary of the Faculty

It is within the scope of the duties, powers, and responsibilities of the faculty secretary to monitor all kinds of academic and administrative processes in the faculty, to be the reporter at the faculty administrative board and faculty board meetings, to be in coordination with the student affairs directorate of the university and other administrative units regarding education and physical conditions of the faculty.

Assistant Secretary of the Faculty

Assists the faculty secretary in maintaining all kinds of academic and administrative processes in the faculty.


Various commissions and coordinatorships have been established in the faculty to reinforce the duties, powers, and responsibilities of the dean, faculty administrative board, faculty board, and department heads, accelerate the workflow in the faculty, and spread the distribution of duties and responsibilities. Some of them are Education Commission, Applied Education Commission, Internship Commission, Bologna Commission, Erasmus Coordinator, International Student Coordinator, Promotion Coordinator, Project Coordinator, Web Supervisors Commission.

2. Management of Resources

The Faculty of Communication works in coordination with the relevant administrative units of the university and the quality board in order to ensure the planned, programmed, and efficient use of human resources, financial resources, all kinds of movable and immovable tools and equipment in all studies, research and development activities carried out within the faculty.

3. Information Management System

The information management system of the Faculty of Communication is operated based on the understanding of accessibility. Faculty activities, announcements for students, all kinds of news, information about the internal and external evaluation process are given on the faculty website. Information sharing for students, internal and external stakeholders is done through channels that allow information access such as Student Information System (OBS), Bologna Information System (BBS), Student Communication System (STIX), Learning Management System (ALMS), taking into account the confidentiality of private information. There is an information management system operation under the supervision of the Information Technologies Directorate of the University. In addition, the Learning Management System (ALMS), which was created with the transition to online education with the epidemic, is managed and supervised by the University's Information Technologies Directorate and Distance Education Coordinatorship.

4. Quality of Outsourced Services

The provision of external services is planned and implemented by the relevant units of the university. The relevant directorates of the university are the dean of the faculty, the head of the department requesting the service procurement, the academic staff, etc. It is realized through the evaluation process of the request forms submitted by the faculty members to the University Administration and the relevant administrative unit via the Electronic Document and Archive Management System (EBYS).

5. Public Disclosure

All kinds of events, meetings, internal and external stakeholder information and operations in the Faculty of Communication are available on the faculty web page.

6. Effectiveness and Accountability of Management

All kinds of studies, processes related to education and training in the Faculty of Communication are discussed in the relevant units of the university (administrative directorates, university senate, university administrative board, etc.); employee satisfaction surveys are also evaluated by receiving employee feedback on the functioning of the faculty. In addition, student satisfaction surveys and Solution Center data should be seen as an important source of feedback and job evaluation regarding faculty effectiveness and accountability.

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