Biosecurity Master's Degree - Academic Staff

Prof. 4 Assoc. Prof. 1 Asst. Prof. 3 Total 8

K. Nevzat TARHAN, MD Professor

President/ Faculty of Medicine/ Mental Health and Diseases / Graduate School of Social Sciences / Head of Department of Clinical Psychology Master's Degree


Haydar SUR, MD , Ph.D Professor

Faculty of Medicine – Dean/ Head of Public Health Department / FHS - Head of Health Management Department


İ. Tayfun UZBAY, Ph.D Professor

Advisor to President / Faculty of Medicine / Head of Internal Medicine Department - Head of Medical Pharmacology Department / NPFUAM Director


Aylin YALÇIN SARIBEY, Ph.D . Professor

FENS / Forensic Sciences / BABE Deputy Director / Head of Criminal Justice Master Program


Kaan YILANCIOĞLU, Ph.D Associate Professor

FENS / Forensic Sciences / BABE Deputy Director / Head of Biosecurity Master Program


Rüştü UÇAN, Ph.D Assistant Professor

FHS / Occupational Health and Safety - Head of Department / ÜSGÜMER Director


Tuğba ÜNSAL SAPAN, Ph.D Assistant Professor

FENS / Deputy Head of Forensic Sciences

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