Criminal Justice (Thesis/Non-Thesis) Master's Degree - Publications and Dissertations


Akçay, Oğuz (2021). Urban Securıty And Crıme Preventıon: Use Of Unmanned Aerıal Vehıcles In Combatıng Crıme In Urban Space

Bağış, Ümit (2021). Lone Wolf Attacks: An Investıgatıon Of Sıngle-Actor Terrorısm In Terms Of Forensıc Scıences

Aslan, M. Ömer (2021). A Comparatıve Revıew Of Reconcılıatıon As Restoratıve Justıce In Turkısh Law And Norwegıan Law

Acar Çelenk, Zekiye (2021). Criminal Justice Undergraduate Education And A Model Proposal For Turkey

Sancaklı, Esra (2021). A Self Defense Center Suggestion for Women

Turan, Sefa (2021). Under The German Criminal Justice; Neonaticides And İnfanticides Perpetrated By Mothers From Legal And Criminal Perspectives

Okudan, Meral (2022). Restoratıve Justıce’s Implıcatıons On Crımınal Law

Durmuş, Saliha (2022). Delinquency, Trial, Execution and Recovery Processes of 12-18 Age Group Children and Young People Living on the Street

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