Graduate School of Addiction and Forensic Sciences - Uskudar University Administrative System

Graduate School of Addiction and Forensic Sciences - Uskudar University Administrative System

Our graduate-school is structured in accordance with the Regulation on Academic Organization in Universities, which regulates the relations of the sub-units with the upper units regarding the academic organization, functioning, duties, powers and responsibilities of the university units stipulated in the Higher Education Law No. 2547. According to this;

ARTICLE 11. Graduate Schools established in universities and faculties are units that conduct graduate education, scientific research and practice in more than one similar and related disciplines and are established by law. Graduate Schools consist of main branches of science. Postgraduate education in universities and faculties is organized by graduate-schools established for this purpose. In universities where the graduate-schools to organize graduate education have not yet been established, graduate education programs are carried out in accordance with the guidelines to be made by their senates. Specialization training to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance is implemented by the medical faculties.

a) Organs of the Graduate School; graduate-school director, graduate-school board and graduate-school board of directors.

b) The director of the graduate-school is appointed by the rector for three years upon the recommendation of the dean of the relevant faculty. In graduate-schools affiliated to the Rectorate, this appointment is made directly by the rector. The manager whose term has expired can be reappointed. Rector and dean make necessary consultations with the relevant faculty members when making suggestions and appointments. The principal has at most two assistants to be appointed for three years from among the salaried lecturers working at the graduate-school. The principal can replace his assistants when necessary. When the manager's duty ends, the duties of the assistants also end.

The action to be taken in deputizing for the director or vacating the directorate is the same as in the deans.

The director of the graduate-school fulfills the duties assigned to the deans by the Law No. 2547 in terms of the graduate-school.

c) The Graduate School Board is chaired by the director, and consists of the vice principals and the US presidents of the graduate-school.

d) Under the chairmanship of the director, the vice directors of the graduate-school consist of three faculty members to be elected by the graduate-school board for three years from among six candidates nominated by the director.

e) The graduate-school board and the graduate-school administrative board fulfill the duties assigned to the faculty board and the faculty administrative board by the Law No. 2547 in terms of the graduate-school.

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