Biosecurity Master's Degree - Mission and Vision

Understanding biological threats in today's world is much more important than in the past. Uskudar University's Biosecurity Graduate Program aims to fill the gap between science and politics.

The Biosecurity Graduate program aims to prepare students for the next generation's biodefense and biosecurity professionals and academics. Through the courses in the program, students learn to evaluate the foundations of microbiology and biotechnology within wide security and organizational scope. In addition to graduates of the Undergraduate Branches of Science and Health Sciences, those who are trained in international relations, political science, law, public policies, and conflict resolving will be encouraged to participate in the program.

The Interdisciplinary Biosecurity program is a model of research and training that focuses on critical issues in health, science, and security intersections. The courses include the scientific foundations of biosecurity, the technologies used in this field and possibilities for future use, practices to prevent and illuminate bioterrorist attacks, national and international regulations, as well as providing information and skills to assess the risks posed by bio attacks on public health and safety, building strategies that will prepare large audiences for biological attacks and deal with stress and fear.

The Biosecurity Graduate Program is being opened to contribute to addressing these most important needs of today.  

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