Graduate School of Addiction and Forensic Sciences - Uskudar University Scholarship

Scholarship and Tuition – Scholarships for Master Degree

Scholarships and Discounts to Master Degree Students

Sibling Scholarship
Each of the siblings (including the siblings of the graduate students) who are studying at Üsküdar University receive an additional 10% discount.

Corporate Scholarship 
10% discount is provided to ones who have the following qualifications while enrolling in Üsküdar University Master programs; Turkish Armed Forces, Police Department, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Family and Social Policy, University and National Educational Staff, employees subject to 657.

Private Deprivation Scholarship 
50% discount for those who are educated in the Ministry of Family and Social Policy’s dormitories and 25% discount for children of Martyr and Veteran Soldiers.

Graduate Scholarship
Üsküdar University awards a 50% discount on tuition fees for students who graduate from any undergraduate program and are placed in Üsküdar University graduate programs (except Clinical Psychology program).

The first 10 students on the graduation degree list in Psychology and Psychology (English) that are placed in the Clinical Psychology program receive a 50% discount on tuition fees. Other graduates placed in the Clinical Psychology program receive a 30% discount on tuition fees.

Staff Scholarship
50% scholarship is awarded to ones whose first degree relatives are the staff of Üsküdar University or NP Group at the time of the final registration of Üsküdar University (mother, father, spouse, children) and siblings.

The scope of the Scholarship and Cut-offs 
1) Students can only use one of the university scholarships / discounts (except for the sibling scholarship).
2) Students who qualify for multiple scholarships and discounts can only benefit from the highest amount.
3) The staff scholarship of the student will be terminated at the end of the employment relationship, except for the retirement of the first degree relative or his / her brother.

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